Help me try


New Member
Mar 11, 2003
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and FIND Wickedeyed! She hasnt been around!!! :cry:
once? no lol. she've been around sometimes, but WHAT THE HELL stpopped her from coming in here all the time now?
What is your point about post in here? Don't you know how to contact her instead in here?
I'm sure she's fine, maybe she has been busy. I'm sure she'll be back in here and posting ;)
ppl in here r making it LOOK like I AM worrying about her or something, I am just wondering where she've been. thats all!
Honey, as being Sunny's roommate, lets just say she finally found something worth living her life besides on a computer. She will come around when she have time and back in the room. Shes fine, dont worry! :D
Yeah, I'm sure she is doing something for better :) Glad she is doing something worthwhile of her time.
im pretty sure that she've been busy with her school? ...and she don't have time come here Alldeafv2? :dunno: ...i guess you guys missed her already?
NO NO ! she's hiding from you all! NO NO!

I'm sure she's busy with school and friends. :)