Help for Hard of Hearing vs. An Almighty Deafy

Exactly! We welcome late deafened folks, but Botti was thinking that she would point you towards information and support specificly for late deaf folks!

Correct. I don't think I ever got quite such a reaction before. :lol:

But I do like the idea of the Almighty Deafies club!

Hello, i am trying to get a deaf skype buddy is any1 willing to help me

thanks :)
Botti has been kind and well-intentioned with me and I think with so many on here. :) I think that this site and group has lots to offer. Sometimes things are more slow than others. Keep checking and - look! here we are:wave:
deafmama: As a recent joiner here not sure if I fit your label as a "almighty deafie"? I have posted a few comments on various assertions which I "slightly disagree"(pace pfh/Jillio et al). I recently became bilaterally deaf-December 20,2006. Prior to that had Profound hearing loss over 30 years.

Comment away based on YOUR EXPERIENCE- that what this forum is for.

Welcome to alldeaf com

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
deafmama: As a recent joiner here not sure if I fit your label as a "almighty deafie"? I have posted a few comments on various assertions which I "slightly disagree"(pace pfh/Jillio et al). I recently became bilaterally deaf-December 20,2006. Prior to that had Profound hearing loss over 30 years.

Comment away based on YOUR EXPERIENCE- that what this forum is for.

Welcome to alldeaf com

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

You should. You have been deaf longer that she has been alive! :wave:
Thanks Bottesini: now retired deafie OR Deafie.

Off to dream land-the witching hour approaches!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Thanks Bottesini: now retired deafie OR Deafie.

Off to dream land-the witching hour approaches!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Good night, drphil. :wave:
Hey there. Did ya actually read some of the posts at the late deafened area? There is some really good stuff in there.
Ms Botti was the first to welcome me too. She is a rockin lady. She is very helpful and some would say quite loveable.
Hang around and read a bit, get comfy. I came in with a bit of a chip too, some frustration, resentment toward the hearing bunch, and that thread was just the thing. It really does get better.
Okay, I posted a response on here to someone and was sent to the Adjusting to late term deafness or some such thread by a deafy. This thread has not been posted on for over a month! Where am I to go if I can't get help here and socialize to people on this site. Maybe you would like to send me to another one!
I find it appaulling that there is no place for me because I am not completely deaf or that I have not lived with this my whole life. Does that mean I should not be able to communicate with you? I may not have had this my whole life but I have it for the whole rest of my life! To me that is something and I would like to socialize about it. We know that no one is the same and everyone takes it differently but why do you have to be so prejudiced against us? We didn't ask for this and neither did you. It is a shame I don't fit with the hearies or the deafies! Thanks alot!

You were no doubt sent to that thread because you are in need of an adjustment to your attitude. Post there. You will get responses. That is the appropriate thread in which to vent about your situation.