Has anyone watched lifetime earlier tonight?


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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There was a movie "Prayers For Bobby" It was a emotional true story movie about a religious mother who had struggled to accept her son, Bobby being gay, and he committed suicide. That movie brought so much tears to my eyes.

Bobby Griffith was a gay youth in Walnut Creek, California who committed suicide in 1983 after his family would not accept his sexual orientation. After his death, his mother, Mary Griffith, came to better understand and accept what happened to her son. She became an advocate by joining PFLAG.
Ally Action - Bobby Griffith Memorial Scholarship
I have watched it tonight and it really touched my heart . It is very sad movie but it is good movie .
Yes, I've seen the movie....very sad and disturbing....we all crave "acceptance" in one way or the other....so sad the movie ended with his death.
Yea, :( She did opened her eyes after her son's death, and did something positive to make a differences. She urged other parents to listen to their children. ;)
I watched it with my friend Libby. It's definitly a great flick, and who knows? Maybe someone will watch it, and then think " Oh my attitudes towards GLB people really have an impact. I really can't get over how far we've come in about ten years. Remmy when Ellen came out? It was BIG news, and she got a lot of homophobic crap. Now something like this is a Lifetime movie!