Hard of Hearing question


Apr 8, 2013
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Does your voice change between a more "Deaf voice" to a voice you use around Hearing people?

Or does it vary, depending on if you are signing or not?
Usually hard of hearing people can't really control the way their voice is with a 'deaf accent', I could imagine that someone would try and speak more clearly around a hearing person though.
Usually hard of hearing people can't really control the way their voice is with a 'deaf accent', I could imagine that someone would try and speak more clearly around a hearing person though.

But, it is around other HoH people you would need to try to be extra clear in articulation. :)
Signing doesn’t have anything to do with speaking, really.

But an experienced signer would of course adapt their signing to be slower and more clear around new signers, if they want to be nice and facilitate communication.

Hearing people would try to speak more clearly around HoH/Deaf, and for example face them. But if you have a Deaf accent, the reason is that you don’t hear yourself clear enough to correct minor issues in pronunciation. If you don’t hear you cannot really control it, unless you try to improve your speech by going to speech therapy and someone else listens and helps you.