Gunman @ Florida School Meeting


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Rambling gunman dead after opening fire at Florida school meeting
(CNN) -- Clay Duke sat quietly through the first portion of the Bay District Schools, Florida, school board meeting Tuesday afternoon as local children were honored for their achievements.

When it came time for citizens to bring up issues, the 56-year-old resident calmly approached the front.

He spray painted a red "V" with a circle around it on the wall, brandished a handgun and ordered the room cleared at a Panama City schools building.

"Six men stay. Everyone else leave," the burly gunman said.

Moments later, Ginger Littleton, a board member, returned to the room and swung a purse at him. She ended up on the ground after the two struggled.

At that point, Duke, as seen on the dramatic video provided by CNN affiliates WJHG and WMBB, began a rambling discourse that included the apparent firing of his wife and sales taxes. Someone was going to die, he said.

The confrontation ended in the gunman identified as Duke calmly firing at the school officials before he is wounded and, according to police, taking his own life.

At first, school board members and Superintendent Bill Husfelt tried to reason with Duke, who had a criminal record. They talked about possibly finding a job for Duke's wife or looking into the case.

Husfelt told the gunman that he likely signed the termination papers, but didn't recall the circumstances.

"I'm the one who signed the papers," Husfelt. "Let them go," he said referring to the school board members.

At one point, Husfelt said, "I don't want anybody to get hurt. I've got a feeling that what you want, is you want the cops to come in and kill you because you are mad. Because you said you are going to die."

"But why? This isn't worth it," the superintendent told him. "This is a problem."

The gunman then pointed the pistol at the official.

"Please don't. Please don't. Please," Husfelt said.

The gunman opened fire at Husfelt and school board members. He missed them all, even though he was at close range, said Lee Stafford, director of student services of Bay District Schools. Duke said, "I'm going to kill [unintelligible]," while he fired.

Mike Jones, chief of security for the school system and a retired police officer, exchanged fire with Duke, who was wounded and rolled to the ground. Duke turned his gun on himself, dying of a fatal gunshot, authorities said.

The gunmen was declared dead at a local hospital. An autopsy is expected Wednesday.

Police and school officials were left to piece together what happened.

"I'm sure they never expected this kind of event to occur," Sgt. Jeffrey Becker of the Panama City Police Department.

The superintendent later related the event as being "surreal," Becker said.

Husfelt told reporters that Duke had almost a smile on his face. "He made up his mind. You could tell he was going to die."

The superintendent said he believes the gunman used a combination of live bullets and blanks. But police said live bullets were used.

Police have a solid lead on Duke's motive, Becker said, but were not prepared Tuesday night to release it.

But the investigation included Duke's assertions that his wife had been terminated by the school district. Police were talking with Duke's wife, Becker said.

School officials said they were unaware of the significance of the spray painting.

A Facebook page belonging to a Clay Duke has a profile photo of a "V" in a red circle, a logo that is used in the movie "V for Vendetta."

According to the Internet Movie Database, the 2006 film is about "a shadowy freedom fighter known only as "V" uses terrorist tactics to fight against his totalitarian society. Upon rescuing a girl from the secret police, he also finds his best chance at having an ally."

CNN could not verify if the Facebook page belonged to the gunman, but it does list Duke, 56, as living in Panama City, Florida.

A biography on Duke's Facebook page reads: "My Testament: Some people (the government sponsored media) will say I was evil, a monster (V)... no... I was just born poor in a country where the Wealthy manipulate, use, abuse, and economically enslave 95% of the population. Rich Republicans, Rich Democrats... same-same... rich... they take turns fleecing us... our few dollars... pyramiding the wealth for themselves. The 95%... the us, in US of A, are the neo slaves of the Global South. Our Masters, the Wealthy, do, as they like to us..."

Under "political views," Duke labels himself a "Freedom Fighter." Under religious views, he wrote, "Humanism."

Duke has a previous record, Becker told CNN.

According to the website of the Florida Department of Corrections, Duke was sentenced in 2000 for aggravated stalking, obstructing justice and throwing or shooting into a vehicle.

According to the Panama City News Herald, after six months of stalking a former girlfriend, Duke confronted the woman outside her home on Oct. 20, 1999. He was wearing the mask and vest and holding two .22-caliber guns. He threatened to kill her, then kill several others and then himself, the newspaper said. When the woman tried to drive away, Duke shot out a rear tire.

The photo of Duke on the corrections page matches the Facebook page.

The News Herald reported that the gunman was taken out of the building on a stretcher. According to Panama City Police Chief John Van Etten, no one other than the suspect was injured, affiliate WJHG said.

School board spokeswoman Karen Tucker said the man "was a large guy" she had seen sitting in the back of the boardroom earlier, according to the News Herald.

Superintendent Husfelt will hold a press conference at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at the administration building in Panama City, police said.

CNN affiliate WMBB reported children and parents were at the meeting to be recognized for achievements, but were gone before the incident began.

"We are absolutely in state of shock," said Stafford. "I was in the third floor and we were watching the live feed, and first we thought it was a drill. But the more that you watched it, we realized this was an actual incident and emergency situation."

Duke's Facebook page listed him as a 1972 graduate of King High School in Tampa.

His favorite quotation: "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth," from the movie "A Few Good Men."
the video in CNN link provided above is a longer version. you can see from beginning to end... however - they blocked off the ending due to disturbing video. I will not show the video of what happened at the end. You will have to find it for yourself.
What is wrong with that woman. I know women carry a lot of crap in their purses but it isnt going to win against a gun. She really got lucky there.
She could have kicked his balls instead. I was bit shocked and thinking she's gonna die after she failed to attack him, but he didn't shot her and let her go. What a lucky woman.
The gunman had a criminal record. Luckily for everyone involved, he was a bad shot.

I feel so bad for his wife right now.
I saw this on TV this morning, I couldn't believe how bold he was about it (the gunman). I'm just glad no one on the school board was killed or seriously hurt. I never understood the circle with a V in the middle of it though. Does anyone know what that is supposed to mean?
I saw this on TV this morning, I couldn't believe how bold he was about it (the gunman). I'm just glad no one on the school board was killed or seriously hurt. I never understood the circle with a V in the middle of it though. Does anyone know what that is supposed to mean?

Well, it could had been a reference to "V for Vendetta."
Wirelessly posted

Banjo said:
I saw this on TV this morning, I couldn't believe how bold he was about it (the gunman). I'm just glad no one on the school board was killed or seriously hurt. I never understood the circle with a V in the middle of it though. Does anyone know what that is supposed to mean?

Well, it could had been a reference to "V for Vendetta."

There are so many people I know who love that movie. They told my husband to watch it.He like it ok.
Not finding a full version of the video, the only "full version" that I find are the ones that has been released by the authorities. The ending part of him shooting himself in the head is not present nor does it tell how many minutes in between the "moments later, he shot himself in the head".

Probably the actual "full version" won't be released to the public until someone forks over money to get a copy of the whole thing, despite of the "Freedom of Information Act", the Government still charges an enormous amount of money to get a complete video of the incident.

I myself prefer proof that he did actually shoot himself and not some hearsay from official sources.

That's just me, I side on the burden of proof.

Not finding a full version of the video, the only "full version" that I find are the ones that has been released by the authorities. The ending part of him shooting himself in the head is not present nor does it tell how many minutes in between the "moments later, he shot himself in the head".

Probably the actual "full version" won't be released to the public until someone forks over money to get a copy of the whole thing, despite of the "Freedom of Information Act", the Government still charges an enormous amount of money to get a complete video of the incident.

I myself prefer proof that he did actually shoot himself and not some hearsay from official sources.

That's just me, I side on the burden of proof.

Even a video won't show that clearly enough to be proof.

The only real proof of how he died will be an autopsy and comparison of the ballistics involved.

TV stations aren't going to show someone killing himself; that's a general policy they all have.
Not finding a full version of the video, the only "full version" that I find are the ones that has been released by the authorities. The ending part of him shooting himself in the head is not present nor does it tell how many minutes in between the "moments later, he shot himself in the head".

Probably the actual "full version" won't be released to the public until someone forks over money to get a copy of the whole thing, despite of the "Freedom of Information Act", the Government still charges an enormous amount of money to get a complete video of the incident.

I myself prefer proof that he did actually shoot himself and not some hearsay from official sources.

That's just me, I side on the burden of proof.


um.... you actually don't believe he didn't kill himself unless you see the video of him doing it? that's a huge accusation there... "hearsay from official sources".
this video shows him getting shot:

[ame=]YouTube - School Board Shootout[/ame]
If he didn't kill himself, what would be the motive for reporting that he did? In this situation, it would appear that shooting him was justified unless someone stood over him and shot him in the head at close range, which doesn't seem likely.
I find it interesting how the board members are so comfortable in their swivel chairs that they can hardly be bothered to get out of them and duck for cover when the shooting starts.
um.... you actually don't believe he didn't kill himself unless you see the video of him doing it? that's a huge accusation there... "hearsay from official sources".

I didn't say he didn't nor am I gonna say he did.

On one side I can understand the graphic nature of the video thus the reason for the giving out an edited version of the video that minuses the shooter putting the gun to his head and pulling the trigger.

But, otoh, there's people already making that accusation that the reason why the shooter killing himself is not included in this release, raising suspicious from people that already distrusts the integrity of Police Officers at being honest in their statements of the incident.

Therefore, the "burden of proof" lies within the complete video at it's entirety can only put it all to rest which would leave absolutely no room for debate.

I find it interesting how the board members are so comfortable in their swivel chairs that they can hardly be bothered to get out of them and duck for cover when the shooting starts.

I was thinking the same thing. If someone pulled a gun when I was in a meeting, I'd be ducking under that big old desk in front of me.
um.... you actually don't believe he didn't kill himself unless you see the video of him doing it? that's a huge accusation there... "hearsay from official sources".

That part of the video could be traumatic for his family members to see. There are good reasons why these things are not released.

To would you feel if this was your dad or your brother and the video showed him blowing his head off?

Likewise, you don't have any background information that would tell you what this man's actual state of mind was at the time of the incident. He could have other issues that affect his stability. To say that the police are being dishonest in reporting that he shot himself is just absurd. His actions don't just affect him, they affect his family and friends, too. Have a little empathy.
I find it interesting how the board members are so comfortable in their swivel chairs that they can hardly be bothered to get out of them and duck for cover when the shooting starts.

the gunman was calm so everybody was calm... perhaps? :dunno:

I mean - he didn't shoot in the air or scream like a lunatic when he wanted people to get out. he also didn't "execute" the woman who swatted him with her purse.

but then.... Florida.... full of old farts... perhaps it hurts to get out and duck for cover?
I find it interesting how the board members are so comfortable in their swivel chairs that they can hardly be bothered to get out of them and duck for cover when the shooting starts.

me? i would look for a chance to go after him. don't want to die under a desk. the lady with the handbag had the right idea, just the wrong method
If he didn't kill himself, what would be the motive for reporting that he did? In this situation, it would appear that shooting him was justified unless someone stood over him and shot him in the head at close range, which doesn't seem likely.

The video cannot be argued that he was shot, the video show quite clearly w/o a doubt that he did get shot and his falling to the floor.

What's not showing is the shooter pointing the gun at himself and pulling the trigger.

According to the official statement, it states that "moments later after he was shot, he turned the gun on himself and shot himself in the head".

This leaves me with the question of the timeline...

What is considered "moments later"? How much time has passed before he killed himself as the officials has stated?

According to the Rule of Evidence....

Definitions of rule of evidence on the Web:

* (law) a rule of law whereby any alleged matter of fact that is submitted for investigation at a judicial trial is established or disproved

* Rules of evidence govern whether, when, how, and for what purpose, proof of a legal case may be placed before a trier of fact for consideration.

Source: define:rule of evidence - Google Search

What I am wanting to establish is what had transpired after the edited version of the official release.....


1.) What happened after the shooter went down?
2.) What were the officer(s) doing after the shooting took place?
3.) Did the 6 men clear out of the room prior to the shooter killing himself?
4.) If the 6 men did clear the room, what were the officers doing then?
5.) Were there civilian witnesses that saw the shooter killing himself?
6.) Does or will the video actually show the shooter committing suicide?
7.) What did the officers do AFTER the "suicide" took place?

Of course, the Medical Corner hasn't yet released the official cause of death as the report has stated that it should take place today, so that may take a while, including any toxicology results which may take days, weeks to months for the report to be completed and released to the public.

This is all why I am stressing on the "burden of proof" and that video, in it's entirety would lay down to rest any questions and or debates. So having releasing an edited version w/o showing the shooter killing himself becomes, in my opinion, questionable.
