Good CI question


Jul 31, 2011
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I am really curious how noise, speech, music, etc is going to sound after I or my brain get adjusted to the CI in the near future when I get it done.
I have been profound deaf all my life with the help of a HA and could identified most types of noise, vowels, music instruments, hear the difference of male and female voices (most of the time, lol). Now I am wondering what everything is going to sound like from a CI compared to what I was hearing from a HA.

For all the ones that had normal hearing and lost it later in life and got the CI, how does it sound with CI compared to when you used to have normal hearing before losing it?

I know it's not perfect and it will not help one hear as great at a normal hearing person level. And I know it's different for everyone. I'm just curious what noise will sound like.
I am totally deaf both ears. Lost all my hearing overnight. I never had a chance to use a hearing aids because I had nothing left to work with. I did get a CI on my left ear about a year and a half ago. My journey has been a struggle. There are a lot of CI users who really do hear things pretty well and some enjoy music. I am not one of them. Music of any kind is juat loud noise, nothing I can relate to. Hopefully others can give you a more positive answer. It is bedtime here but the tinnitus is so bad there is no way to fall asleep.

Hi I lost my hearing in 2002 suddenly and I waited nearly 7 years before getting a CI in 2008. (but I wish I would have gotten it right away). My experience with the CI is amazing, I can make distinctions between voices and different noises and everything sounds almost exactly as I remember it to sound. There are tones that I realize I can not hear with the CI and it is hard to hear it loud places. But overall I am very thankful for the life it has given me back and I love it! Best of luck.. it does take time to get used to but now after three years I forget Im even deaf.

Also as far a music goes... I listen to it nearly 24/7.. its awesome!
Hi I lost my hearing in 2002 suddenly and I waited nearly 7 years before getting a CI in 2008. (but I wish I would have gotten it right away). My experience with the CI is amazing, I can make distinctions between voices and different noises and everything sounds almost exactly as I remember it to sound. There are tones that I realize I can not hear with the CI and it is hard to hear it loud places. But overall I am very thankful for the life it has given me back and I love it! Best of luck.. it does take time to get used to but now after three years I forget Im even deaf.

Also as far a music goes... I listen to it nearly 24/7.. its awesome!

I do want to say that I think that the CI is a GODSEND for those who are progressive/late and sudden least there are options in that area.
I am really curious how noise, speech, music, etc is going to sound after I or my brain get adjusted to the CI in the near future when I get it done.
I have been profound deaf all my life with the help of a HA and could identified most types of noise, vowels, music instruments, hear the difference of male and female voices (most of the time, lol). Now I am wondering what everything is going to sound like from a CI compared to what I was hearing from a HA.

For all the ones that had normal hearing and lost it later in life and got the CI, how does it sound with CI compared to when you used to have normal hearing before losing it?

I know it's not perfect and it will not help one hear as great at a normal hearing person level. And I know it's different for everyone. I'm just curious what noise will sound like.

I am CI user since almost 4 years now. Yes it's helping me to hear better but not fluent in oral communicate. I was born deaf and know ASL. I am good at lipreading and can understand the speech without lipreading sometime. I can hear the music and noise sound environment. I can hear my son's crying, laughing, talking, screaming, playing in other room. I can hear he say mommy from other room. Do you have CI? I have one Ci on my left ear N5.
I am really curious how noise, speech, music, etc is going to sound after I or my brain get adjusted to the CI in the near future when I get it done.
I have been profound deaf all my life with the help of a HA and could identified most types of noise, vowels, music instruments, hear the difference of male and female voices (most of the time, lol). Now I am wondering what everything is going to sound like from a CI compared to what I was hearing from a HA.

For all the ones that had normal hearing and lost it later in life and got the CI, how does it sound with CI compared to when you used to have normal hearing before losing it?

I know it's not perfect and it will not help one hear as great at a normal hearing person level. And I know it's different for everyone. I'm just curious what noise will sound like.

My CI sounds normal for the most part after programming settles in. Activation was an experience in "getting back" what I had not had in years. I remember going pee during my initial activation visit and hearing that "ping" sound that had been missing and of course the birds were back.

You should be able to hear everything you do with your hearing aid and beyond. The one unknown is music. You may wind up with better music than you have with your hearing aid or worse. It is a toss up. I chose my implant based on it's ability to increase the odds of delivering music to the best possible degree and really lucked out (I was "saying goodbye" to music the day before my surgery... which turned out to be silly.)

You just have to remember to give it time. Even the best activations still need time to settle in. The best approach is to expect a year-long process of adapting to your programming. You can't speed your brain up.. all you can do is just dive in and listen, listen, listen. Plug in to your smartphone directly and listen to music or audiobooks while you go about your day. Your brain will work it out on it's own.
I have had my Advanced Bionics-Harmony 5 1/2 years now. A substantial improvement over Phonak LL6 hearing aid.
A "funny thing"-remembering when first hooked up-I thought someone was following me-could hear footsteps-just me-picking my my own!
Right-keep it on -all waking hours- to get used to hearing everything that one missed before.
Pinkblackzebra, I haven't gotten my CI yet. I go on Jan. 30th to get tested more and whatever else they do on first visit. It will be my first step towards getting the CI. I cannot wait to get it!!!!
My own experience is that the more complex the sound the less natural or clear it will sound. constant environmental sounds are pretty good. speech is so so, speech in background or noisy environments sucks as does music. a single instrument may become quite clear to you if you were a musician for example but music in general with voices singing sucks too...