FFX-hear voices...? *gasp*

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
:rofl: Oh and loved FFX, the graphics/movies ROCKS!!! Already played all the way to the end and won. (Ah, Tidus.. wherefore art thou?)
Daniel aka Steel ..... what did i tell u in PM ???? i'll give u a final warning .... one more time of those Loserz cartoons and i'll move it to the Mod's Corner

Pls cooperate with me - k ? Just don't post any more Loserz cartoons
Originally posted by DefMATRIXense
i didnt know its against the rule for not posting loser cartoon...:shock:

yeah DefMATRIX ....... maybe 5 times of posting Loserz cartoons wud do, but Steel posted abt 25 thousand Loserz cartoons (sowwie abt the hyperbole, but still ... !) ..... really unnecessary for him to do that and plus it takes up space on the Temp folders in the hard drive
Originally posted by *~Rayden Wins~*
Daniel aka Steel ..... what did i tell u in PM ???? i'll give u a final warning .... one more time of those Loserz cartoons and i'll move it to the Mod's Corner

Pls cooperate with me - k ? Just don't post any more Loserz cartoons
um, that comic was posted on april 21st...

LONG time ago and i'm not posting any now