Facebook's Friend Status Updates.


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Nov 7, 2005
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I just thought of this and am curious to see what your opinions are on this.

As u know, Facebook is a social network that is the latest 'trend over the 'net to join in...

Oftenly, I would log in and see my friend's status updates. Some of these status I found were enjoyable to read but on the other hand, there were times I've seen some several status updates that is a bit too personal in my opinions...

Now here's the thing -

What is your take on the friend's status updates? Do you find it enjoyable to read and to ignite a conversation via posting comments, etc or do you sometime find it annoying?

Discuss with respect as always. :)
I enjoy the conversations that can be spurred by status updates. Usually they're amusing anecdotes, but if someone posts something teeming of negativity, I remind myself that that is their prerogative to do so and don't dwell on it. I do agree that discretion is wise.
I caught your "u" Jolie! That stuck out of the whole paragraph! *jokes*

I've been a facebook user for a long time, about half a year since it came out some time ago. But never very serious. I do in fact know the status updates you are referring to. You can actually turn them down in your facebook privacy preferences. The defaults just basically assume you want the whole wide to know about what you're going to post.

I do understand the fact of friends being too "open" sometimes about their personal information.. You can also turn down your receive feed sensitivity on this also! A lot of people don't mess with the settings and it's set at default, thus they get streams and streams of info from all of their friends and even people they barely know.

I see it as a double edged sword in both ways. You can hurt yourself, or you can hurt others, but the sheath is there for you to put on.
If it wasn't for Facebook, I wouldn't be able to reconnect with my near and dear friends.

As for the "TMI" status updates, I afford them the privilege of ignoring them.
Some do crack me up, some had a great news etc etc....sometimes I felt down and person can cheer me up etc...:)

I really enjoy be on FB! A LOT better than myspace!
It varies.

I do get annoyed when people constantly update their status.

"Bob is going to Walmart."
"Bob is grocery shopping."
"Bob is done with Walmart."
"Bob is at home now."
"Bob is wondering what to make for dinner."
"Bob is waiting for his girlfriend to get home."
"Bob is happy that his girlfriend is home."
(All of this was done within 2 hours.)

Seriously, who cares!?

It also annoys me a bit when they start using pitiful comments in their status.

"Bob thinks no one likes him."
"Bob is sad that his girlfriend dumped him."
"Bob is sad because his girlfriend won't go back with him."
"Bob is sad because he's tired."
"Bob is hoping his girlfriend will give him another chance."
"Bob is excited to see his girlfriend tonight."
"Bob is crying because his girlfriend didn't show up tonight."

Come on... don't drag us into your relationship problems! :roll:
If it wasn't for Facebook, I wouldn't be able to reconnect with my near and dear friends.

As for the "TMI" status updates, I afford them the privilege of ignoring them.

Ditto here. I am so amazed to see how people that i haven't seen for more than 20 years and they still remember my face! :shock: It's real nice to catch up the old news with my old classmates from 3 different schools and other places i met over years. :cool2:

I Hope mrs bucket did not mind me using her quote. I like how mrs bucket said, "i afford them the privilege of ignoring them" in the status updates. I dont really pay attention to the status that i dont have time for it.
It varies.

I do get annoyed when people constantly update their status.

"Bob is going to Walmart."
"Bob is grocery shopping."
"Bob is done with Walmart."
"Bob is at home now."
"Bob is wondering what to make for dinner."
"Bob is waiting for his girlfriend to get home."
"Bob is happy that his girlfriend is home."
(All of this was done within 2 hours.)

Seriously, who cares!?

It also annoys me a bit when they start using pitiful comments in their status.

"Bob thinks no one likes him."
"Bob is sad that his girlfriend dumped him."
"Bob is sad because his girlfriend won't go back with him."
"Bob is sad because he's tired."
"Bob is hoping his girlfriend will give him another chance."
"Bob is excited to see his girlfriend tonight."
"Bob is crying because his girlfriend didn't show up tonight."

Come on... don't drag us into your relationship problems! :roll:

I have two of my friends who do that but the rest dont so it is not too bad.

I love the status updates along with the photos. So far, my friends dont seem too personal nor negative. I think I have a network of friends who have common sense.

However, last week, I got upset by one status update and I already mentioned it here on AD. One of my former classmates said that she couldnt believe this country voted in a terrorist on Inauguration Day. I guess after witnessing 9/11 when i was in DC , I dont think that word, "terrorist" should be thrown around casually but later on, after talking with my best friend about it, she has the right to her opinion and I shouldnt let it upset me.
Jane drank a glass of wine with friends.

Jane's three girls are in bed, can chat with friend on vp.

blah blah.... It makes everyone shock and ask her husband if his wife was
affair? Of course her husband pissed off....

You know how Deaf community very small, got a message on my pager few months ago if her husband was alright.

I was perplexed until I saw him at my work but he looked not very good. It made me so sad to seeing him depression. Of course, he pour out of his chest and cried. I was such speechless and broke my heart.

The situation became very sticky between outside personal and work. My beloved husband grow up with him. From my understand that he wanted to talk with me since I am Andrew's wife.

Oh dear, it was so horrible because everyone read his wife status everyday. It is very embarrassed and broke his heart.

I could handle his problem because I had to focus on my Dad's dying and funeral, etc... Then before Christmas, someone sent me link of newspaper that he beat his wife up. It was so shocked me and saw his wife 's status, etc.... Oh dear...

I decided to block her because I do not want to know more detail about between them. It was horrible because everyone read other people's personal even we worked together. We looked at each other everyday and gossip spread all over at work and Deaf Community.

Why can't his wife fuck the shut up?
If it wasn't for Facebook, I wouldn't be able to reconnect with my near and dear friends.

As for the "TMI" status updates, I afford them the privilege of ignoring them.

yes that is very true, glad found a long lost best friends over 32 years. I really thank facebook establishment because it helped each other found old friends from high school and college. :)

ILY Facebook !! :ily: I tried to avoid reveal my personal into my status.
I caught your "u" Jolie! That stuck out of the whole paragraph! *jokes*

I've been a facebook user for a long time, about half a year since it came out some time ago. But never very serious. I do in fact know the status updates you are referring to. You can actually turn them down in your facebook privacy preferences. The defaults just basically assume you want the whole wide to know about what you're going to post.

I do understand the fact of friends being too "open" sometimes about their personal information.. You can also turn down your receive feed sensitivity on this also! A lot of people don't mess with the settings and it's set at default, thus they get streams and streams of info from all of their friends and even people they barely know.

I see it as a double edged sword in both ways. You can hurt yourself, or you can hurt others, but the sheath is there for you to put on.

Yes, I'm aware of the feed setting that can be controlled. I can either chose to put it on control or just simply not to reply to the status updates. Don't get me wrong, I love all my friends and I do enjoy seeing their status updates. I'm not complaining about it. I was just wondering how much common sense is being played in this when they could at least be considerate of others as well. :)

If it wasn't for Facebook, I wouldn't be able to reconnect with my near and dear friends.

As for the "TMI" status updates, I afford them the privilege of ignoring them.

Same here. I like facebook because I was able to reconnect with some of my friends that I hadn't heard from for years and years.

You're right - I simply can ignore the "TMI" status but at the same time, I'm thinking - Does the whole world really need to know that? :lol:

It varies.

I do get annoyed when people constantly update their status.

"Bob is going to Walmart."
"Bob is grocery shopping."
"Bob is done with Walmart."
"Bob is at home now."
"Bob is wondering what to make for dinner."
"Bob is waiting for his girlfriend to get home."
"Bob is happy that his girlfriend is home."
(All of this was done within 2 hours.)

Seriously, who cares!?

It also annoys me a bit when they start using pitiful comments in their status.

"Bob thinks no one likes him."
"Bob is sad that his girlfriend dumped him."
"Bob is sad because his girlfriend won't go back with him."
"Bob is sad because he's tired."
"Bob is hoping his girlfriend will give him another chance."
"Bob is excited to see his girlfriend tonight."
"Bob is crying because his girlfriend didn't show up tonight."

Come on... don't drag us into your relationship problems! :roll:

Yeah, That's what I meant. I've seen some comments like this. It gets annoying, indeed. I've also seen some comments that are coming up with the point of "letting" us know what they are doing at every moment. Seriously, I mean - What if there is a comment that says "I'm screwing my wife at this moment" :eek:
Let me update my status... "My wife annoying me! :("

My status itself has one purpose ... make my friends realize that I went through hard time with my wife, how much I suffered from my wife mentally and physically. ;) So you see why I need much sympathy, of course you are very welcome to show some sympathy on me . :D
Let me update my status... "My wife annoying me! :("

My status itself has one purpose ... make my friends realize that I went through hard time with my wife, how much I suffered from my wife mentally and physically. ;) So you see why I need much sympathy, of course you are very welcome to show some sympathy on me . :D

Update my Status: Kalista's boyfriend squeeze her breasts and pulling the nipples this morning. Her nipples are sore for the rest day. :eek3:
Let me update my status... "My wife annoying me! :("

My status itself has one purpose ... make my friends realize that I went through hard time with my wife, how much I suffered from my wife mentally and physically. ;) So you see why I need much sympathy, of course you are very welcome to show some sympathy on me . :D


In response to Jolie...I am waiting for the day that one of my friends would put up something in reference to having sex with their significant other on their status..so far, nobody has done that yet. :lol:
Update my Status: Kalista's boyfriend squeeze her breasts and pulling the nipples this morning. Her nipples are sore for the rest day. :eek3:

I dare u put that on FB!!!

In response to Jolie...I am waiting for the day that one of my friends would put up something in reference to having sex with their significant other on their status..so far, nobody has done that yet. :lol:

Haha, I haven't seen one of my friends putting that up on their status update either. :lol:

If one of them do, I'm pretty sure it will generate a lot of comments! :lol:
Haha, I haven't seen one of my friends putting that up on their status update either. :lol:

If one of them do, I'm pretty sure it will generate a lot of comments! :lol:

That's why I dared Kalista to do it...she is on my friends' list. I think she is too chicken!

I am on FB now...so far, most people are commenting on the weather, their kids, where they are at now, or their jobs. Nothing out of the ordinary...
It varies.

I do get annoyed when people constantly update their status.

"Bob is going to Walmart."
"Bob is grocery shopping."
"Bob is done with Walmart."
"Bob is at home now."
"Bob is wondering what to make for dinner."
"Bob is waiting for his girlfriend to get home."
"Bob is happy that his girlfriend is home."
(All of this was done within 2 hours.)

Seriously, who cares!?

It also annoys me a bit when they start using pitiful comments in their status.

"Bob thinks no one likes him."
"Bob is sad that his girlfriend dumped him."
"Bob is sad because his girlfriend won't go back with him."
"Bob is sad because he's tired."
"Bob is hoping his girlfriend will give him another chance."
"Bob is excited to see his girlfriend tonight."
"Bob is crying because his girlfriend didn't show up tonight."

Come on... don't drag us into your relationship problems! :roll:

:giggle: THAT! This is why I just ignore the updates.. :giggle:

Thanks Vampy.. you said it all for me.. literally! :giggle:
I have to be careful with Facebook!

A person who is very insanity and dare to access my Facebook! However, Now I am blocking that loser person! :roll:

My friends warning me that she is very prevarication. She used two member names of Facebook from her original last name and her former marriage last name! :ugh:

I am agreeing with you all about that she could shut the fuck up! :|