

New Member
Nov 6, 2007
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Etiology kicked my butt today when I was taking an exam about teaching deaf and hard of hearing kids.

What is your etiology? How did you become deaf? Mine is unknown.
Most likely an ototoxic reaction to an anti-malaria drug that I had to take for two years.
Ototoxic meds resulting from being born at 28 weeks gestation

Nobody can be 100% sure though, some doctors say I was born severely-profoundly deaf but I doubt it since there's no hearing loss history in either side of the family and I do not have connexion 26 or any hearing loss causes
Unknown for the SNHL, but the total loss is due to calcium deposits spreading.
Reccessive genes. I need to seek genetic counseling to see if it is Coennex X...something like that.
Connexin 26

Connexin 26 - Genetic Cause of Hearing Loss and Deafness - Connexin 26

If you have that, your kids should be aware, and possibly have genetic testing themselves, because they would definitely have inherited the faulty gene from you.

Thanks...I knew I had it right before but today, I couldnt recall it.

Anyways, about my kids I already told my daughter and she wants a deaf baby. It is not a tragedy with my family because my kids and hubby are pretty fluent in ASL and involved in the Deaf culture.
Anyways, about my kids I already told my daughter and she wants a deaf baby.
:cool2: VERY COOL!!!!!
My loss is due to no eardrums, and no earcanals, due to a genetic syndrome. (not Treacher Collins)
I never heard it Etiology I am puzzled interesting!
I never heard it Etiology I am puzzled interesting!

[ee-tee-ol-uh-jee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -gies.
Pathology .
the study of the causes of diseases.
the cause or origin of a disease.
the study of causation.
any study of causes, causation, or causality, as in philosophy, biology, or physics.

In other words, what is the basic cause of your hearing loss. Do you know?
1. The cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition.
2. The causation of diseases and disorders as a subject of investigation

Etiology means "What caused your deafness."

I am deaf from genetics.
Etiology means "What caused your deafness."

I am deaf from genetics.

Thank you so explain to definition!

I clear understand, I think so cause high fever on not sure I don't know etiology cause on genetic! I think happened high fever