Embarrasing Moments being a Deaf Person!


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Jan 24, 2007
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I had yet another embarrasing moment - last Friday I was driving to work. I pulled up into my usual parking spot then started to rummage through my car to make sure that I had everything in my bag before getting out of the car. Five or six minutes later, I sensed a weird presence at my window. I turned to look to see a motorcycle cop staring at me. I almost jumped out of my skin. I got out of my car and told him that Im deaf, praying that he wouldnt get nasty as many cops do. My face was burning RED! He gave me a ticket and I felt so stupid about me not hearing him chasing after my car or staring at me through my car window for over five minutes!!! :giggle: Many of my co workers saw me and laughed at me! GRR!

By the way the ticket was for going 35 MPH in 20 MPH zone - reckless driver I know :( That is another story..

So I want to hear all about your embarrasing moments only because you are deaf! :laugh2: I want to know that Im not the only one who have to endure these type of embarrasing moments just because my ears wont work! ;)
I have almost too many to tell.

How about the time I was in the shower and my husband came home from work?

I did not realize the time and he opened the shower curtain to tell me he was home and I tried to karate chop him to death.
I have almost too many to tell.

How about the time I was in the shower and my husband came home from work?

I did not realize the time and he opened the shower curtain to tell me he was home and I tried to karate chop him to death.

LOL That is great. My partner Michael came home from work one day and I had just made a nice hot cup of tea and I rounded the corner and there he stood I dropped it, broke the glass then started yelling and signing at him for scaring me. Now he texts me when he gets home. :shock:
That's really embarrasing, lol but I had to laugh also. I had many moments like that.
I have almost too many to tell.

How about the time I was in the shower and my husband came home from work?

I did not realize the time and he opened the shower curtain to tell me he was home and I tried to karate chop him to death.

LOL :) I can just see that. Sorry for laughing, but the mental image the karate-chop conjured made me laugh.
A HOH funny moment happened to me last week. I was at our church office during business hours. I was in the receptionist's area and needed some information, but she was talking with one of the minister's administrative assistants about another project, so I was waiting for them to finish before asking my question. They were talking about some type of list of church members that the minister's assistant needed and she said something to the receptionist but I *know* I didn't hear it corrrectly, because what I heard was, "(For each wife) be sure you show which husband it is." as if each woman in the congregation might have more than one husband! LOL!! I know both of them quite well so I had to interupt and ask what she actually said. It was nothing close to that and I had to share what my brain *thought* I heard. We all got a big chuckle out of that! :laugh2:
I have almost too many to tell.

How about the time I was in the shower and my husband came home from work?

I did not realize the time and he opened the shower curtain to tell me he was home and I tried to karate chop him to death.


I had to laugh so hard when I read this because this sounds like just what I would have done in that situation!

Yikes, I hope I wasn't laughing outloud
didn't think of that!
This wouldn't embarrass me if it happened now because everybody already knows I'm a My Little Pony nut case already, but at the time, it was still sort of a secret. I was happily sitting here at my computer playing Guild Wars, and I had a bunch of pony dolls on my desk and a pony brush on my mouse pad and another in a Ponyville Scootaloo scooter, a bunch of My Little Pony Christmas decorations out, Pinkie Pie pony figure clothes and shoes, etc., and I had a bunch of My Little Pony DVDs on my stand, and I had my giant Pinkie Pie pony on my lap hugging her, and just as I was giving her a great big kiss between her ears, I saw my sister standing in the doorway staring at me like :shock: I about died! I didn't even know she was in the same state much less in my house! LOL finally, she asked, "Where did you get all these ponies?!" :laugh2: I'll never forget her face, and my life has never been the same sense
I have almost too many to tell.

How about the time I was in the shower and my husband came home from work?

I did not realize the time and he opened the shower curtain to tell me he was home and I tried to karate chop him to death.

:giggle::giggle:That is too funny! My husband turns on and off the lights when I am in the shower and he comes in. He knows better because I wouldn't hesitate to Karate chop him either! :laugh2:
Heh Heh! That's funny, Bottesini!

I've had my share of an embarrassing moment being deaf.

My bladder was full to it's max and it was about ready to burst. So I needed to go to the restroom badly. It was during the christmas gathering at my mom's house. I had told my mom that I was going to the restroom and asked her to watch the boys for few minutes so I could relieve myself. At the time, I was in a hurry and was really needing to go to the restroom (I'm sure you guys know how it feels when you need to go to the restroom very badly) and I just ran to the restroom (mom was trying to tell me that my stepfather was in the restroom but of course I didn't hear her yelling) and when I opened the door, I saw my stepfather in the restroom :shock: and I was like, OOPS! :Oops:

At that point, I was embarrassed because everyone in the house could hear my stepfather screaming because I scared him when I lunged the door wide open trying to run in to the restroom, haha.
bottesini, oh that funny! oh man! lol!
i dont know if that happen to me in future.. who knows!

jo, whoa! worst one! yea that is an " opps " lol! oh boy!
I have another one. It isn't so funny I guess, but it just happened, and it reminded me of this thread, so I thought I'd share it anyway.

Those who don't know, my parents have just started to sign, so they can't communicate with it yet, so I was reading my mom's lips, and she was talking about these dumplings in stew, telling how her "mother used to make them."

I often try to pretend to know more of what's going on than I actually do, so I spoke up and said, "Yeah, she used to make those when I was living with her."

Everybody's eyes got really big and they began to laugh. It turns out that she said her "Great great grandmother" made them, so that would make her my great great great grandmother! :rofl:
At my job, i'm a housekeeper... of course many customers doesn't know I am deaf. there is one time i was cleaning the bathtub and ofc i didn't hear anybody coming in or anything like that but out of blue this customer tapped my shoulder and i screamed because i was too focus to clean and not thinking about anyone coming to freak me out. lol... I told the customer, i'm so sorry, and ofc, i let this customer know i'm deaf, and may i help you?!

other time... i was cleaning bathroom and a customer turned off lights and i got puzzled and i didn't realized i'm at work. lol...

its funny to read some embarassing moments. :)
I had yet another embarrasing moment - last Friday I was driving to work. I pulled up into my usual parking spot then started to rummage through my car to make sure that I had everything in my bag before getting out of the car. Five or six minutes later, I sensed a weird presence at my window. I turned to look to see a motorcycle cop staring at me. I almost jumped out of my skin. I got out of my car and told him that Im deaf, praying that he wouldnt get nasty as many cops do. My face was burning RED! He gave me a ticket and I felt so stupid about me not hearing him chasing after my car or staring at me through my car window for over five minutes!!! :giggle: Many of my co workers saw me and laughed at me! GRR!

Ha! this exactly happened to me when i was in college 15 years ago, I had couple cute hearing ladies from college, we was busy signing to each other but apparently none of us heard the cop siren for over 5 miles.. Cop was mighty pissed but he calmed down real quick when he saw I was deaf when one of the girl interpreted what cop said.. he let me go.. WHEW!!
One of my embarrassing moment was when I was giving a presentation in front of my hearing co-workers and couple contractors during a kickoff meeting on a big project, and without warning, my CI battery died half way in meeting.. You get the idea. :roll: