Electronics rant :mad2:


Active Member
Feb 11, 2007
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I want to express my heart about Deaf Devices and rest of Electronics. I want to say what pissed me off :pissed: :mad2: about Deaf Devices (Alert devices , TTY, ect...)

I studied Electronics at my mainstream HS and went to DeVry Insitutes of Technology for Electronic Engineer Technicitan back in 89 but did not finished school cuz of my job. My boss blocked me from attend class and told me work is more important than school. My wife begged me to keep job cuz it pays well so I was stuck on that. I was on Dean's List at DeVry. That's why I am creative and learned lot of dirty little secrets that Instructor from DeVry explained that many Companies makes Electronics cheap and sells it 200% to 1000% profit. Hearing Aid is one of them. You can buy directly from Factory for $ 100 each but you must have Audiology Degree in order to obtain one then sell it for $1,300. That's why I was pissed off over what Deaf Device Companies ripping off Deaf people, they designed a circuit that have short lifespan to force Deaf to keep buying their products. The more you learn about electronics and more you will realized they're ripping off. Electronic components are really cheap to build and you can sell it honest 50% more for profit. Some companies buys Chinese electronic for dirt cheap price and sell it 1000% of value such as Dell Computers (seriously!!) which is why I hate Dell (I currently have Personal Computer Technician diplomia from NRI Home study school that I graduated back in 97', It's a tough program and managed to get A- for 2 years course). I knew so much about computer hardware. I build my own system better than Dell. Dell design motherboard that prevent anyone to upgrade except processor and memory. They had PCIe slot removed on some system to prevent anyone upgrade graphic card. They use power supply barely enough to power entire system and let it fail a year or so that they can have Customer bring back and have it serviced. Which is why Dell is Evil. They're good with Business section but bad on Customer section..

I am not wearing Tin Foil hat and I don't talk like imaginary mental ill people, I saw the facts and did lot of researches plus met with several Deaf who builds, repairs and sells Computers and some are expert with Electronics, they saw that too.. . All agreed with me for very same reason. We are living in dark secret society that Companies don't want you to know what they do.. I called and had an heated debate with Ultratech, caught Ultratech TTY company red handed that they did admitted that they designed TTY that it fails exactly 3 years of usage. No wonder why I used to have 5 broken Ultratech ttys that did not last more than 3 years. I was very angry at them because when I had an emergency and I called Relay, my tty failed on me on that day. I had to ask my hearing kids to speak with Dr for me. I pointed out ULtratech that why computer Keyboards last long time even heavy usage while TTY keyboards failed and aslo on/off switch too. Even its printer failed couple year and I can't print for evidence. I threw ALL TTY away when Sorenson started their first VP. I'm so happy that Ultratech are suffering for their consequence..

What I learned from DeVry back in 89' and maybe Today may have changed or not. I may be wrong.. There are 4 different grades of Electronics components (Transistors, Resistors, IC chips ect...). Customer Grade, Industrial Grade, Medical Grade and Military Grade. Customer Grade is 5 to 7 years. Industrial Grade is 7 to 10 years, Medical Grade is 10 to 15 years and Military Grade is 15 to 20 years. That explains why you noticed that your Electronics fails within 5 years or so after heavy usage. If you use moderately, it will last even longer (my Radio Shack timer last so long because It was unused for 10 years then finally put to use and still have plenty of life ahead...). Keep your eye on patterns of Electronic appliance and you'll see the average life span are short.

Make sense??


I hear you. It is called planned obsolescence. They engineer products to last a certain amount of time. Sucks, I know.
Your comments are consistent with my experiences and observations. Not only are the electronic components made to fail but the cases are so thin and cheap that they cannot survive a minor fall. The alarm clocks are so light weight that they are easily knocked to the floor as you swat the snooze or the snooze button breaks altogether after a short use. After breaking a couple that way, I tied it to an old rubber wheelbarrow tire to both add some weight and to cushion if it gets knocked over. I have not broken one that way since. Alarms for hearing people don't seem so cheaply made or as unstable.

Probably the most durable deaf product I ever had was my black box captioning device. Those were well made and built to last. I think mine still works even though I bought back in the mid-90's. Now tv's have built-in captioning, they are not needed anymore.
That's true for just about any electronics. Not just Deaf equipment. Maybe I've been lucky. My Oral-B electric toothbrush lasted me for 20-25 years (even though technically they should be tossed or dead by around year 5...). My Sonic Boom clock is still chugging after 16 years. And yes even my (apparently hated) Dell laptop--> 10 years, desktop #1--> 16 years (though SLOW now lol), Desktop #2--> 5 years, though I will admit with that one the 1TB hard drive failed after 2 years- that's on me for being dumb enough to get that when a 500GB would have been just fine.

Not to say I've had electronics fail on me in less time than I've expected nor do I disbelieve the exorbitant cost for Deaf devices. That part I've never been happy about-- equipment for disabled (ANY disability- blind, deaf, wheelchair users) cost more than it should and is an ADDED cost over those who are able-bodied.

While I'm tech-minded- software and all, I am not like y'all who can tinker with hardware and innards- just not my forte.

But- keep fighting the good fight!
1TB hard drive failed after 2 years- that's on me for being dumb enough to get that when a 500GB would have been just fine.
Well I don't think you are completely to blame for this.

I don't understand, if things are getting faster every year, why are the memory they take getting larger too? Shouldn't they be getting smaller more compact and more efficient as well? Or is this just another way for the electronic industry to keep making more money.

I feel like they are investing in technology but not on how to make it more efficient.
Well I don't think you are completely to blame for this.

I don't understand, if things are getting faster every year, why are the memory they take getting larger too? Shouldn't they be getting smaller more compact and more efficient as well? Or is this just another way for the electronic industry to keep making more money.

I feel like they are investing in technology but not on how to make it more efficient.

True on that... though to be honest my mind is fuzzy on if it was 1 or 2 years. The thing is is that I barely even filled it 1/3 of the way before it failed. Ironically right now I could probably easily fill it with all the programs I have. But... now have two hard drives that I'd like to see if I can get documents and pics off of (the other one is 350 GB or something but is older and only used as a back up drive. Can't access it anymore :( )

I think it's more that the SIZE is getting bigger so it needs MORE memory not that they're faster and needs more memory. But I definitely agree with your last line... doesn't always feel like it's as efficient as it could be.
Yeah. Obviously, everything is made in China. We are too stupid to buy China products without complaining to several store owners. We started it.

I used to collect the electronic boards for gold and copper. Nowadays, the gold/copper is extremely thin and thinner every year with a new technology so a thinner metal are far worthless for a profit. The same idea is for a big tractor. American tractor like John Deere has a thick and heavy metal plow that lasts much longer. A foreign tractor, in America, is far thin metal plow that lead to break down, maybe, in five years. It is a good thing that you know about the electronic stuff.

I need to learn how to make some electronic for a hobby and started to study in a C++ program. I hope that you could pm me. :)