Don't you ever wish you could eavesdrop?

Sometimes I wonder what the heck people talk about all the time. it would probably bore me to know what they are really talking about. lol
But on topic, yes! When my kids are another room, especially if my son's girlfriend is over, I I wish I could snoop on them.....or be able to say "Iheard that!"

I do that anyway.. really makes them think,DID she hear us.. now i say hay dont talk behind my back..LOL i love to lip read it is my downfall.. i tend to lipread instead of watching the signs they are saying to me.. and then I am a loss when they dont lip something, but I have a lady the other night we did good signing to each other so i was really please she was very patient with me .. and understood I was still learning. It brought back all the signs I remebered cause i have no one to sign with at the time.. she has been a god send .. so happy to have found her.. Linda
Sometimes I wonder what the heck people talk about all the time. it would probably bore me to know what they are really talking about. lol
I wonder that too. especially if i am looking at pictures in a book and look up and their mouth is moving and I get in the middle of conversation , I started to sign one day like i knew what the answer was but no one signed back.. I thought how rude.. But then I realized i was the only one deaf.. lol felt really bad.. and embarised.. now they think i am a freek..
I would not care less who eavesdrop. I don't like that no one wants to spend Valentine's Day with me. WHo cares about Eavesdropping!!!
I can't speak for everyone, especially since I've never had speech reading lessons/training I just I don't know..started doing it, but you're not going to be able to speech read every word. It's not the same as hearing something, and it can really give you a head ache trying to speechread for any length of time.

I have to take 800 mg of Asprin every day because I lip read all day. You're right. It does give horrible headaches. I also find myself getting exhausted from having to focus so hard. Lip reading is definitely not all fun and games. Although sometimes it's funny when I misread someone's lips and I think they said something totally inappropriate, only to find out they said somehing totally normal and boring. It's always good for a laugh when they see my shocked face and I tell them what I thought they said lol
I can't speak for everyone, especially since I've never had speech reading lessons/training I just I don't know..started doing it, but you're not going to be able to speech read every word. It's not the same as hearing something, and it can really give you a head ache trying to speechread for any length of time.

I have to take 800 mg of Asprin every day because I lip read all day. You're right. It does give horrible headaches. I also find myself getting exhausted from having to focus so hard. Lip reading is definitely not all fun and games. Although sometimes it's funny when I misread someone's lips and I think they said something totally inappropriate, only to find out they said somehing totally normal and boring. It's always good for a laugh when they see my shocked face and I tell them what I thought they said lol
I do, some is not worth hearing. Try catching someone you know at least once, yeah honey, it may be so about you, be prepared if it isn't pretty.
Talking about lipreading, one time at the party I was standing and I just happen to see my wife talking to another person and was wondering what she was talking about, I mean it was all natural glimp and suddenly one person came up to me which she is a Dr of sex therapist and she know that I'm deaf. She asked if I was lip reading her and I said to her yeah... Then she said, "Did you know that this called voyeurism? Invasion of her privacy?" I startled myself and thinking at the same time WHAT?? She smiled and look at me nodding. I asked her well, voyeurism is really related to sexual gratification and need to invade someone's privacy you know? But lipreading? It's not sexual thing? She said, "Not neccesary... but it's still invasion of privacy".

I scratched my head thinking about the word "voyeurism" and how she interpreted. It just an interesting way of how she define it. I never thought this lipreading is voyeurism, but is it? You know?
I thought of a particular method, as I was pretty much expert on the subject on computational eavesdropping, especially password sniffing. But then I thought, what if she meant "deaf related stuff"? But I'll go back on this one *drinking wine*

So, yeah. I was shocked when I moved to here, because back in the states people varied by their mouth-moving 'gestures'. I am not fond of this, and one high school ex did mention (she was an emigrated Chinese oral student) said this during the geometry class: 'Did you know that oral people can only comprehend 30% of the time?'.

I had a deaf friend who was fathered by a redneck West Virginian father, and I was impressed about his mastery in oral mouth-moving. When I first met him, I understood him 100%.... he is the only American that I respected.

Here in Praha, it's very obvious everywhere. Their Slavic tongue is SO easy to understand... There are some times that I get tired of the 'exaggerated' examples... But I have to accept this, obviously. It's not so bad.

I think German is the most obvious one... at least to me myself, I took only one year of German in high school during senior year. I think the lip-reading is a beautiful language, even though its writing may seem very ugly to some of you, lol. I learned German very fast, and I have frequent contacts with the German organizations. Very transparent...

Not sure about French. I dislike French badly, but I do have an Algerian friend from France who read lips.

British... uh... it's too corrupted.. probably why American English is too much corrupted as well.. Well, originally, English was Germanic one (invasion of Anglo-Saxon during fifth century).. Then French domination during 11th century, after the conquest of William the Conqueror, and it fragmented for at least 200 years or so.... then further corrupted by introduction of Latin words in the period not far from Shakespearean time.. I think modern English still retained some 22% of Anglo Saxon words (like we, i, they, them, etc, basic words), 30% of french, and 30% of Latin. Not sure about the rest.

Okay, I need to end this post soon. Back to my original thought.

OFF TOPIC: Computer Eavesdropping

1. haha, back in high school, i used this typelogging software to spy on my friends whenever they used my computer. They never found out, and I used their passwords to enter their passwords to get a deeper understanding of their personal life, and how they might hide lies, backstabbings, etc.

2. Shell. Umm, dunno how to explain this one, just check the recent unix thread question somewhere. You learn more from there. If you know unix language, it's pretty easy to hack into a system. Virtually any system regardless of its security upgrades or dumb "patches" that would be exposed in less than a hour of release or so. Today, I personally know some hacker friends, few of them belonging to Anonymous. I even knew one such deaf hacker. But I'm sure you are uninterested by now. I wouldn't have mentioned this, because you AD users are already much older, unless you are 6 years old deafie... *evil sinister*

Seriously, though, I have been a linux user since 7th grade. So, it takes time to learn this crazy unix play-game.

3. Plant a trojan at the targeted major website. I got in trouble for this, I was only in high school. I was eventually busted, but I was excused because I was underage. It wasn't so bad. That's when I realized that 9/11 mentality has affected much of US policies...

Trojan (no, not condom... sorry to disappoint you) isn't virus, but it's not exactly non-viral either. Instead of spreading all over the net like plague, which viruses do, trojans are just... well, very locally and strategically located. Instead of spreading, it gathers all of the information sent to the planter. That is why it's classified as a virus by anti-virus softwares, like Kaspersky, McCafee (sp?). The bottom line is, it's a "plague" information-gatherer virus.

Okay I must stop this now. I have already thought of other methods, but no need to do this.

Talking about lipreading, one time at the party I was standing and I just happen to see my wife talking to another person and was wondering what she was talking about, I mean it was all natural glimp and suddenly one person came up to me which she is a Dr of sex therapist and she know that I'm deaf. She asked if I was lip reading her and I said to her yeah... Then she said, "Did you know that this called voyeurism? Invasion of her privacy?" I startled myself and thinking at the same time WHAT?? She smiled and look at me nodding. I asked her well, voyeurism is really related to sexual gratification and need to invade someone's privacy you know? But lipreading? It's not sexual thing? She said, "Not neccesary... but it's still invasion of privacy".

I scratched my head thinking about the word "voyeurism" and how she interpreted. It just an interesting way of how she define it. I never thought this lipreading is voyeurism, but is it? You know?


I think this is a symptom of REVERSAL PSYCHOLOGY. Because. Hearing people tend to take advantage of disabled people. I learned this during college from a Hawaiian professor. I even have a textbook that talked about this in the psychology class.

I'm pretty sure the lady psychologist knew of this... I mean, WHY wouldn't she thought of this if she hand't known of the fact that I just mentioned? That is just plain disgusting!

It's probably one of those senses of "superiority" as is commonly characterized at psychologists. Their job is to be 'smarter' than you or whatever you call it. I hate those kind of psychologists. Ughh

EDIT: To be clear, what I meant by reversal psychology is the sexual advantages of hearing people on disabled ones. HENCE the 'voyeurism'... sorry for confusion.

EDIT #2: By the way... unnecessary information from me as usual, I attended all hearing schools throughout my life so don't assume this is just a "biased deaf" school... NOPE. I think I was probably the only deaf student attending that very school of the class.
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The only time I can remember consciously eavesdropping was when my kids were little and would be playing together in one of their rooms. I would stand outside the room and listen to them. I loved hearing their imaginations and little minds at work :). During those times I often wished I could be invisible so I could be in the room with them and see what they were doing as well.

They say we often want what we can't have - ie: the deaf want to be able to eavesdrop, the hearing want to be able to lipread. However, I don't think it is necessarily a want to be different but more of a curiousity to experience what others experience, temporarily, to gain some insight or a better understanding.
Eavesdrop? I once knew a hearing guy whose hearing was so good that if he was in the front room of the apt. and you were in the back room talking about him in a normal tone of voice - he's several walls away - he could hear you!
I'm a very good lipreader myself but it's still not a perfect science. I probably catch better than the average which is 30% of the time. I'd say I'm at 50% but that's just a guess anyway!

I have found myself more capable of "eavesdropping" on stuff that I'm not trying to eavesdrop on. For example... football games. I'm not trying to lipread ANYBODY but I get a lot of what they're saying (not just the cursing and blowing up either but in calling plays and whatnot). THAT being said.... enjoy!

[ame=]"THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading"[/ame]
After many, many years of working though several companies. I know too much though these companies. I have even know some information that I was not supposed to know. (Sorry, am not going to share here) But point is, after knowing and see others knowing about each other about their personal information is actually causing more problems and causing loss of productivity and profit for companies. Sometimes, I wish I wouldn't have to hear, whether intentionally or not. Some of the information that I heard though my previously employers. It DOES pissed me off big times, not just one, not even twice more than twice of incidents. But what can I do? I don't think sharing these information here is not going to do me good and others good anyway. I decided that it is best just zip lips shut and move forward. There are several of my friends who used to be my co workers, but still friends of mine. This is not just limited to personal information, but company's propitiatory information as well. I have to remind them to shut the fuck up, and just obey the confidential Ethics. Also, I have seen plenty of unnecessary lost productivity time being lost when one eavesdrops manager over something, then started with rumor, even with just ONE person, it is over! It does not matter if that person is your best friend or best BS you ever had. It is all about Ethics because it creates respects with others. So, the less I know, then there is no reason for me to worry.

Especially these days where "EVERYONE" knows of how much they get paid for their jobs, it had created HAVOC for everybody. Man! I had to climb though executives to get them to make policy that the income is to be kept confidential, it actually eventually worked and solved the problems.

So to answer your question, it is best not to eavesdrop anyone.

After many, many years of working though several companies. I know too much though these companies. I have even know some information that I was not supposed to know. (Sorry, am not going to share here) But point is, after knowing and see others knowing about each other about their personal information is actually causing more problems and causing loss of productivity and profit for companies. Sometimes, I wish I wouldn't have to hear, whether intentionally or not. Some of the information that I heard though my previously employers. It DOES pissed me off big times, not just one, not even twice more than twice of incidents. But what can I do? I don't think sharing these information here is not going to do me good and others good anyway. I decided that it is best just zip lips shut and move forward. There are several of my friends who used to be my co workers, but still friends of mine. This is not just limited to personal information, but company's propitiatory information as well. I have to remind them to shut the fuck up, and just obey the confidential Ethics. Also, I have seen plenty of unnecessary lost productivity time being lost when one eavesdrops manager over something, then started with rumor, even with just ONE person, it is over! It does not matter if that person is your best friend or best BS you ever had. It is all about Ethics because it creates respects with others. So, the less I know, then there is no reason for me to worry.

Especially these days where "EVERYONE" knows of how much they get paid for their jobs, it had created HAVOC for everybody. Man! I had to climb though executives to get them to make policy that the income is to be kept confidential, it actually eventually worked and solved the problems.

So to answer your question, it is best not to eavesdrop anyone.


In the case of business ethics, eavesdropping should be mandatory. It's similar to a check and balances system. Like the one in our federal government. The bigger the company... the more they squash out the small business owners. There are no friends there unless you're trying to protect your own job. If something needs to be reported then you do it.
That is where lip reading comes in handy IF you can see the person.. if not you get 1/2 the

My ex brother and mother where in the kitchen talking and as soon I walked into the kitchen they both stopped talking and I did not hear one word or read their lips and said to my ex brother " you're having a baby!" They both almost fell over as I was right. I read their body language .
i poor lip reader. i have seen odd signers when i travelling around i was once told i was nosey until they realised i was deaf and understood bsl.but if i see people signing i look away....
be carefull you hear something you no like
lol, I couldn't do this before being hoh, but now with a CI i find if I crank up the volume and distance settings I can hear all sorts of distance conversations... that said any noise near me such as a person will be extremely loud and will cause me to jump so it's not exactly stealth :naughty:

I mean, I know it's not polite, and it's not something I often wish for, but today I really wished I could! I was standing in the hall way, waiting for my work evaluation, and this other guy was in there getting his evaluation. The door was open, and I was sitting in a chair in the hallway, right outside the door. But of course, I couldn't hear a word they said, and I wanted to hear SO BADLY!! You know, so I could compare how I did. Every once in a while, I just find myself in the most perfect position to eavesdrop on something I really want a little info on, but alas, never gonna happen for me :deaf:
Im speaking for peers and above.

But for management and supervisor, it is technically their job to monitor the floor employees. That is the way it is.

Im speaking for if one really curious what others talk about just for personal gain is just dangerous territory.

In the case of business ethics, eavesdropping should be mandatory. It's similar to a check and balances system. Like the one in our federal government. The bigger the company... the more they squash out the small business owners. There are no friends there unless you're trying to protect your own job. If something needs to be reported then you do it.