donoring blood


New Member
Mar 5, 2003
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Have you guys donored blood before? What's your experiences? I am about to real soon and it'll be my first time :cool:
Good luck :)

No, I've never donated blood before.. I honestly hate needles sticking in me. ;) What's more, I have a blood type that not many people have which is RH negative. I think blood banks mostly look for the common blood types for donation.

Hope it goes well and again, good luck. :)
I havent done it before, not too confident abt that!
Don't do that, you would fuckin' hate the needle it's 15 gauge needle, a lil bigger than regular needle.

Yeah I've done it only once and I never like it. It'll make you dizzy afterward..

Never drink beer night before the donation.
I've donated blood a few times. It's nothing big or serious. I even watch them stick the needle in my arm and watch as they drain all of that blood from me!

The first time I donated blood, I was fine but another guy in the room with me wasn't. He finished donating blood then went to the front to get something to eat and drink. The woman asked what kind of drink he wanted and he replied, "I'll have..." *face falls flat on table* THUD! *body falls back out of chair* THUD! Everyone who worked there panicked and laid him down at a nearby chair. I guess the boy couldn't handle it! :laugh2:
Done that several times, and it's not too bad. Eat heartily first before you donate blood, or you may feel light-headed. :)
Originally posted by aceXslver76
I never had for blood donate. I hate needle in my arm. :ugh: :ugh:

well - learn and live with needle. We are in dangerous world. Soliders need your blood.
Remember, my name is... VamPyroX! I'm known for... BLOOD!
Originally posted by VamPyroX
Remember, my name is... VamPyroX! I'm known for... BLOOD!

Don't you DARE to come near me when I donate my damn blood!! If you do, I'll knock your light out! ;)
Originally posted by ChelEler
Don't you DARE to come near me when I donate my damn blood!! If you do, I'll knock your light out! ;)
*smacking lips with tongue* *slurping* I... want... your... blood... !
Originally posted by ChelEler
You better be shaking in fear of me! :twisted:
No, I'm shaking in laughter... :naughty:

Seriously, what's wrong with donating blood? What's your blood type?
Originally posted by VamPyroX
No, I'm shaking in laughter... :naughty:

Seriously, what's wrong with donating blood? What's your blood type?

:laugh2: There's nothing wrong with donating blood. I have done that several times, and I won't reveal what my blood type is. That's for me to know and for you to find out. :twisted:
Originally posted by ChelEler
:laugh2: There's nothing wrong with donating blood. I have done that several times, and I won't reveal what my blood type is. That's for me to know and for you to find out. :twisted:
If I tell you, will you tell me? Let's to this on a word of honor and trust... :)