does your spider do this too?

Cute spider, I know that one.. forgot the name for that one, there is nickname for that spider, "Jumping spider". It does not bite, but jump plenty and very far for its size.

I got a spider phobia and I deal with it by handling spiders when I can. :lol:
A couple weeks ago I was showing off to a little boy by picking up a beautiful garden spider. It seemed slow and sluggish enough so I let it walk onto my hand on the ground. I was starting to remark to the boy how beautiful it was when it moved quick as greased lightning and bit the tip of my thumb. Two days later I had to go to the ER because the wound was festering and had an abscess. They cut my wound open and drained it, etc. I guess the moral of the story is that I still have a spider phobia. :lol:
Cute spider, I know that one.. forgot the name for that one, there is nickname for that spider, "Jumping spider". It does not bite, but jump plenty and very far for its size.

That is a Wolf Spider. At least I think it is.
What happens if you see a spider crawling on your windshield while you're driving... that's one distraction. Had to pull over or come to a stop at a light and grab a napkin nearby and squash it.
What happens if you see a spider crawling on your windshield while you're driving... that's one distraction. Had to pull over or come to a stop at a light and grab a napkin nearby and squash it.

Here's another one, for bicyclists, at least. Spider webs in the face cause you can't see them. Some people leaving early for work might've gotten these, too. It's not fun.
At an outdoor theater where I'm on the stage crew, I sometimes watch spiders build their webs in the wing between the two shrubs. Feel bad for them knowing that our big set pieces will tear down their webs.

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We do not have the big spiders here in Alaska nor much in the way of venomous. There are some little black biters that can make you sick and leave a trail of bites on you. The curious thing I wanted to write about is the sudden infestation we had a few years back.

These really fuzzy orange spiders that were rarely seen before up here had an amazing population explosion one summer. They were everywhere. These things were the most aggressive webspinners I have seen which being from here is not so much.

The explosion of orange fuzzies coincided with an explosion of large dragon flies. Weird I know. These fuzzy spiders were trapping those big dragon flies like crazy. It was kind of disgusting in a way. One spider decided to use my main ingress egress door for a web location. Every morning heading out to work I would go charging out the door and be wrapped up in spider web.

Once well grr. Twice well double grr. But the long commute into the city I would forget the grr with much bigger ones, you know how it is. About Friday I realized hmmm this spider is pissing me off. In fact I think it is trying to trap ME!!! Whoa!! Saturday morning it was a different kind of exit.
It was a real architectural marvel waiting for me glistening in the morning sun. The little so and so was waiting for me off to one side. In my mind I could hear it going hee hee hee while rubbing its front feet together.