Do youj women find 'ho ho ho' to be offensive?

Jeez... this is... r.e.t.a.r.d.e.d. :roll:
Give me a break! I cant believe they would think that! guess people cant pronunce the word properly. sheesh! Go ahead and ruin it for children. If they asked why and what happened to Christmas? Who should we say? this is a messed up world!

oh yeah If they dont want to celebrate christmas then DON'T OBSERVE CHRISTMAS! :roll:
*pointing* to 3 different girls and saying "ho" once towards each girl hence,

"Ho, Ho, Ho" would be a BIG difference!!!
Oh, add to the list of banned things: No one can be HOH anymore. Sorry, but it's just TOO close to that offensive word.

From now on, people will either have to be complete deafies or perfect hearies -- no HOH in between.
As if this wasn't enough, some town in Colorado just banned green and red lights for Christmas displays outside; all lighting must be white!
:pissed: My God.............I go an vacation for a week and look what happens!!! LOL The fact that someone finds Santa's HO HO HO offensive is just WO WO WO Wrong!!! Please people. What a wimpy society we are becoming. As I tell my 9yr old son............Man up and move on!!!
I think if Santa is supposed to be so PC, he should change to "prostitute prostitute prostitute" give me a break
That's kinda far fetched, isn't it? It's like they're telling us what we are allowed to say and what are we not allowed to say. What's next? Somebody's turning into a scrooge. :P
You're so right, Jolie. Political correctness has completely destroyed first amendment rights. Next people will not be able look in someone's direction. "I know what you're thinking!" they'll say, and there goes that job.
Wow, so unbelievable, I'm sorry to say this but this is sooo ridiculous because nobody has ever complained before about Santa's "ho ho ho" was offensive until now..It's seem to me that some people are wayy too sensitive these days... :-x
You're so right, Jolie. Political correctness has completely destroyed first amendment rights. Next people will not be able look in someone's direction. "I know what you're thinking!" they'll say, and there goes that job.

No kidding! No wonder people are overly paranoid these days. It has gone beyond ridiculous.
ho ho ho been use on Santa Claus for long time. And now they're break the holiday tradition.
this is getting is how u use the word "ho". at my work we have to use the hoe to rake down some rocks and i work with a female and i would have to ask her, "wheres the hoe?" she would say, "its over there". if a santa gonna say hohoho...we know that man being joyful.