deafness due to psychotropic drugs??


New Member
Sep 2, 2007
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First, I would like to ask that no one comes in here spreading all their eastern medicine stuff. **coughcough** I'm not looking for a change in my treatment.

So here's the deal....
I am on medications for Bipolar Disorder. They are Lamictal (since late 2003) and Paxil (since fall of 2002, with break of a few months).
I have been having problems with hyperacusis (things sound too loud), things sounding to soft, tinnitus (ringing in my ears) at random and after semi-loud music, and people's words sound more like weird blurbs instead of actual words. Both of these medications can cause these symptoms, but other than the tinnitus it's rare.

So I was wondering if anyone here has heard of people losing their hearing because of psychiatric medications. Obviously it's possible, or it wouldn't be on the label, but it says it's rare...

And so you know, I am planning on seeing a doctor. (Although I'm not sure if I should go to a general physician first or go straight to an audiologist.... hmmm.....)

Any words??
I don't know about those partcular medicines but I know some drugs can be ototoxic - meaning they may somehow damage the ear.
For example some antibiotics are known to be ototoxic.

So I would definitely go talk to the dr if I was you.

Even common OTC drugs can have ototoxic effects for some, including aspirin. The effects will normally resolve if the meds are discontinued, but over time, permanent damage can be done. Definately check with your dr regarding a possible change in meds.
Go to the board at Hyperacusis Network > Home and see the drug reactions.

There's some Audiologist Steven something who wrote articles on the reactions of hyperacusis, tinnitus, auditory hallucinations from drugs like Paxil, etc, I can't remember his name, and I can't put up my old files because this computer doesn't accept the old little square A Drives, but you could ask the board, it's doubtful you'd be able to google for the article, but Steven Nager, close but it's probably not his name.

His name is Dr. Steven Nagler, I asked the board if anybody can find the article I read years ago, it's difficult to google!


I'll email someone and get back to you, they should know!
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Go see your doctor. I know that some medications can have unexpected reactions in some people. best thing to do is ask your doctor, let him/her know your symptoms and what has transpired. They can help you better than we can.
Thanks for your input. I am currently in the search for an audiologist in my area. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until Monday to call in. (Grr for early closing on Fridays....) Anyways, I am planning on seeing a doctor, I just had decided to put this up here in case any of you could offer me some input. Thanks for your help!
I've heard this before. I'm on different meds than you, but they think that they might have exacerbated my hearing loss. I'm probably on them for life, so we'll never know for sure.