Deaf man asks at townhall if he will get shut out of Obamacare

The U.S. ranks first in the world in cancer survivor rates. The ironic thing is that breast cancer survivors in Canada have filed a class action suit against several hospitals that forced them to wait 12 weeks for radiation therapy. That what happens when you have rationed health care.

Cancer lawsuit
Class action lawsuit involving waiting periods for radiotherapy treatment of breast cancer: a settlement is reached | Markets | CNW GROUP | Canadian Business Online

U.S. number one on cancer survivor rate. Britain is worse. Canada is well behind the United States.
U.S. Cancer Care Is Number*One - Brief Analysis #596

Waiting time in Canada for medical care

That's true. When my mom had cancer she was put on a waiting list. Her cancer had already grown because she was originally misdiagnosed. If she had better care she would still be alive today.

Come to think of it I know several other people who have relatives who died of cancer which was diagnosed late or misdiagnosed. Many of whom live in Britain and so were failed by the NHS.