"Deaf and Dumb"?

Why don't you google terms like "elective mutism, selective mutism..."

There are lots of terminolgy in place already.

Thanks, I didn't know what the terminology was.
I was doing a research on "Deaf and Dumb" and found an organization that advertises "Glasgow Society for the Education of Deaf and Dumb." Don't you guys think that is pretty offensive?

Glasgow Society for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb
It's interesting that on their History page, they use the term "deaf and dumb" repeatedly. They don't limit the term to just their title (which I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, that it might be some weird Scottish law that prevented them from changing it).
Even though Glasgow has been around since the 12th century, all organizations serving the Deaf are assigned a Government Charity Grant Number. :roll:
Even though Glasgow has been around since the 12th century, all organizations serving the Deaf are assigned a Government Charity Grant Number. :roll:

What does that mean? Why is it bad?
What does that mean? Why is it bad?

Hiya, Botts! Well, if you listen to the Brits, the Scots, etc (UKers) over at Deafread long enough, you get the distinct feeling that the lot of the deaf over there leave LOADS to be desired.

Good to see you....
How (if you were even going to) would you differentiate between someone who doesn't speak and someone is incapable? Not being facetious, genuine question.

If there is a specific reason to make the distinction, then one could briefly explain. Like some others, I tend to prefer the term "voice off". I just don't see the need to differentiate under most circumstances.
has anyone ever heard the phrase "To be struck dumb" ?
Yes. That has nothing to do with using the phrase "deaf and dumb."

There's nothing wrong with the words dumb and mute when used in the proper context.

It's the automatic pairing of deaf with dumb or mute that is in question.
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to be stuck dumb means to be wordless, to not speak.

Isnt' that what it means in the context of deaf and dumb? Dumb meaning not able to vocalize words???
From the dictionary-Oxford Canadian 1991. Toronto, Ontario: page 250
dumb: adj. !) unable to speak 2)temporarily silent ( was struck dumb). speechless from surprise etc 3) INFORMAL -stupid 4) giving no sound.
Dumbness: noun
No reference to the Deaf.
Dumb vs. Dum-dum

Hearing mom, Deaf kid, pro-ASL.

I am also offended because frankly, most people under the age of 40 don't even know that "dumb" means incapable of speech. They ONLY think of it as dumb = STUPID.

It drives me BERSERK that people think that my daughter is an imbecile because she doesn't speak. Really. She speaks perfect ASL. Are Hearies morons if they can't speak Chinese? I love how everyone loves her and thinks she's awesome, but then I say she's Deaf, and suddenly, it's like she's dropped 80% of her IQ points!!!

Language changes constantly. Especially due to immigration and emigration When was the last time you heard someone talk about jack-o'lanterns? That's what we called them when I was a child. Nowadays, it's just "carved pumpkins".

Let's let go of Deaf and Dumb.

Just Deaf, or maybe Deaf and Speech Challenged.
Hearing mom, Deaf kid, pro-ASL.

I am also offended because frankly, most people under the age of 40 don't even know that "dumb" means incapable of speech. They ONLY think of it as dumb = STUPID.

It drives me BERSERK that people think that my daughter is an imbecile because she doesn't speak. Really. She speaks perfect ASL. Are Hearies morons if they can't speak Chinese? I love how everyone loves her and thinks she's awesome, but then I say she's Deaf, and suddenly, it's like she's dropped 80% of her IQ points!!!

Language changes constantly. Especially due to immigration and emigration When was the last time you heard someone talk about jack-o'lanterns? That's what we called them when I was a child. Nowadays, it's just "carved pumpkins".

Let's let go of Deaf and Dumb.

Just Deaf, or maybe Deaf and Speech Challenged.

Not "Challenged"
Self explanatory :)

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Interestingly, “Deaf and Dumb” is a term used frequently in poetry and literature to indicate that someone is dead. It has no real reference to living people unable to speak. In literature a dead person is “Deaf and Dumb” because there is no longer any way for them way for them to communicate through their body.
Galladuet was once referred as University for the Deaf and Dumb. I mean if you look through the history, it will show you that it held the title for a long time. And I went there for a year, gosh, I feel dumb. :P
LM, in answer to tour question, I'd guess the big one is a tendency to use 'Are you deaf? In place of 'Are you stupid?' or 'weren't you paying attention?' i kinda think that's changing, especially with so many deaf/ profoundly HI kids mainstreaming; kids stop to think about it because they suddenly recognize that it's being used derogatorily.

You see similar things with gender, race, religion... 'Throw like a girl', 'Jew down the price'.... Using a cultural stereotype as an insult is insulting to that culture. But when the stereotype is part of the dominant culture, you don't always realize.

Earlier today I was debating something with a friend on FB (don't judge!). He was losing pretty badly, so he announced he would let me win, because I was cute. I pointed out that he couldn't see me, and also, 'let' had nothing to do with it; I was winning because I was smart and better at backing my points. Entertainingly, he likes to be all chivalrous for us poor widdle giwls, but it never occurs to him that saying 'Aw, you're cute, so I'm gonna let you win' is dismissive, insulting, and clearly poor manners.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

LK - you do know that the vast majority of us find "HI" offensive, right?

We're Hoh (hard of hearing) or deaf ...but not HI (hearing impaired). If I had an audie who used HI, I'd not only explain it's an insulting term, but also find another more Deaf aware Audie.

You've used the term multiple times now - please don't.
The above discussion shows the evolution in the meaning of some words in the case-"dumb".