Compilot Question


New Member
Apr 30, 2015
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Hi, I recently upgraded my HA's to Phonak Bolero Q30's which came with the Compilot. I've paired it up to my iPhone 5 without any problems and it works great for phone calls but when I stream music the sound is really tinny sounding. Can this be adjusted? I know that my hearing aids aren't going to have the same audio quality as regular earbuds, but surely the sound can better. Or am I being overly optimistic?
I have never tried bluetoothing my compilot with anything, but I use the direct connect cable between compilot and ipod, and that works really well for me.
Oh cool.. I read in the user guide about using a cable but thought I would give the Bluetooth a try.
It should be possible to adjust. Ask your audiologist. I have Oticon hearing aids, and they had an awful surround effect for streaming and cable audio. The audiologist changed settings to something much better. Just make a list of whatever annoys you with the sound, and the audiologist often can do something about it.
I have a ComPilot and music sounds great with it. Your HAs do have separate programs especially for the ComPilot though, so you may need your audiologist to activate these and adjust them so music sounds better.
As you've only got the Q30's, there won't be the full amount of ComPilot programs like the Q90s have but there should be at least a program for Bluetooth (cell use) and another program for direct input (cord usage for music), that can be adjusted to your liking.
Thanks all.. I'm really happy with the Bluetooth experience so far and beats what I had before!!