CI Surgery approved today


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Oct 10, 2011
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I received a call today, my CI surgery was approved by my insurance. They scheduled surgery in 12 days!!May 2nd is the big day!! I think I am a little bit in shock that it is happening so fast. Next week will be busy with all the preop appointments. It really set in when they called and asked me which ear I wanted to have done. Both ears have no hearing remaining, so I chose the side I do not sleep on. I pray I am making the right decision. I am scared to be in a hospital again, after my long illness last year but have to keep the faith!!!!:angel:
Sending many prayers your way!...Hoping the surgery will be a complete success for you.....:wave:
good luck, and hope everything goes well! 12 days is going to go by pretty fast!
good luck, and hope everything goes well! 12 days is going to go by pretty fast!

12 days might be a little too fast, less time to freak tho!!!thanks for all the well wishes and prayers I can use all and any support you have.
I say the less time to freak out the better, but that's just me. :)
I say the less time to freak out the better, but that's just me. :)

I agree with you 100%. Its just getting all the pre-op stuff done in a week, thats the stressful part. EKG, X-Rays and blood work. Oh and also a release from my hospital Neurologist saying I have fully recovered from my illness and it is safe to proceed with the surgery.
It's always interesting how different centers require different pre-op testing. I only just had blood work done basically, talked of my medical history and that was it.

But I'm sure you'll fly through all those pre-op tests and be on your way.
It's always interesting how different centers require different pre-op testing. I only just had blood work done basically, talked of my medical history and that was it.

But I'm sure you'll fly through all those pre-op tests and be on your way.

There being extra cautious since I was so ill last year, I was in the hospital and ICU for over a month. Lost all my hearing and had severe brain swelling. So it was a pretty close call and I really don't mind them taking extra steps to keep me safe.
Congrats! Just keep your expectations reasonable, don't let anyone give you false hope that you will get your hearing back. That was my mistake....letting all the medical staff convince me that I will be 'normal' once again.
Well Angel- good news indeed the big moment has been approved! May the second is not far away. I recall all my tests etc prior to the operation were "straight forward". Seems I benefited from all my swimming. ( I could resume 2 weeks after the operation- and did!)
Much success on the upcoming operation. I went home the next day after the operation. Not much pain at all.
The next big moment -activation. In my case 4 weeks-head healed.
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Good Luck with your surgery! Make sure you sleep with you head elevated or sleep in a recliner for the first few days. After what you went through last year I hope this is a piece of cake. The most important thing is to be patient. It will take time for your brain to adjust to a new kind of hearing but hang in there.
oh yes, the recliner really comes in handy after CI surgery. I slept in 1 for nearly 2 weeks!
Congratulations and good luck! It will be a process, but you'll get through it. Sending positive thoughts your way for a smooth surgery and recovery.
Thanks everyone for your nice thoughts. We bought a nice recliner a few weeks ago so I will definitely take that advice to sleeo in it.
My one big concern is they do this surgery only as out patient. Seems a bit much for that long of a surgery, then wake up and go directly home. Can anyone tell me what the average surgery length is? I have read 4 to 6 hours, is that just for one implant? I am literally making myself sick thinking about returning to the hospital. I appreciate all your encouraging words, they are all needed very badly.
My first surgery lasted longer than the initial 2 hours because my doctor had students, and they were using my surgery as a lecture. I woke up in pain, not because of the surgery, but the anesthesia gave me a bad headache. Once that wore off, had very little pain.

Second surgery lasted 1.5 hours, as soon as the anesthesia wore off, they kicked me out of the hospital. Went in at 8AM and was home by 1:30PM. Had an earache that lasted a couple days, but very little pain on the incision.

Cochlear has made progress over the years to make surgery less invasive and faster.

The worst part of the whole process, for me, was the vertigo that I got the day of the surgeries. Since the doctor is poking a hole in your cochlea and draining the fluid, I was be off balance until the next day (again everyone takes different times to heal).
Like I said in other posts I lost all my hearing over night last May due to a serious illness. I have read lots if posts about tinnitus, musical ear etc. What I experience 24/7 is a brutally loud HUMMMMMMMM and what feels as some ear pressure. ENT and surgeon has no explanation since my hearing loss is what they all call "unique". What if CI makes it worse? Anyone have anything similar to this where CI surgery has helped?
with my surgeon, he typically can do the surgery within 1, 1 and 1/2 hours. Mine took a bit longer than 2 cause he ran into some ossification in my left ear that he had to drill through. But generally about 2-3 hours at most for 1 implant, depending on the surgeon's skills.

I was in the hospital for about 11 hours. went in at about 7 in the morning (check in wasnt until 8:15 but we got up and going early, and surgery was at 10:15). Didn't leave until about 6 in the evening. I spent a few hours in recovery, about an hour or 2 post recovery, then I was released. Didn't experience balance or dizzy problems, which I was definitely expecting.
Tomorrow I start the pre-op. I have to fast tonight, which of course is making me more hungry. :) Then in the morning I will have all the requested lab work done. Tomorrow afternoon I need to drive about 45 minutes to my doctor for the EKG. I am really getting nervous now. Marley (my little dog) knows something is going on. Strange but she has not left my side since the CI surgery was scheduled last Friday. I wish I could take her with me since she is so good at calming me down!! :)