Chicagoans? Or at least in IL?


New Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Hoping to meet anyone deaf/HOH, and make more friends in the deaf community and keep up on my signing! :) All is welcome.

I'm HOH with two hearing aids. I sign well, but I'd just like to keep up with it. :)
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

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Hi! I live in the Chicago suburbs and looking for gay Deaf/HOH friends also :) I'm hearing but have been using sign for many years and really need to work on my skills! Taking more ASL classes in the fall semester and nervous since it's been a few years since my last class. My signing is pretty decent but the receptive could use help. Let me know if you ever wanna chat :)

Thanks! Appreciate that. I'm thinking I probably will have to download AIM again...haven't had it in years. If I do is it cool if I add ya?
I'm HoH myself living in the NW suburbs of Chicago. I"d be interested in meeting friends and keep up with my signing as well.