candy wrapper


New Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Hi, thought to share my creative. A candy wrapper which i use mini hersey candies, to wrap for my daughter "Tinkerbell" Chantel 's first birthday party, which i did same with my son with his first birthday. the pictures will show u clearly what i meant. here..

top of hersey


Bottom of hersey


bunches of it
Niiiice. it wld be awesome to put pic of your love one on Hersey kisses.
Wow SherryCherish! That is a brilliant idea for children's party and good idea for other parties too.
Thanks for sharing your idea with us. :)
That is really NEAT! You are so creative!!

I might do that for my son's BIG 5th birthday in June.
thanks. its easy to do, use regular paper, and use ur creative on the paper.. and divide 8 on one page, and cut them up, and super glue on it. pretty easy.
Yea, that is a great idea! Maybe I can do that for my daughter's bday in March. I think she will get a kick out of it. :)
it is fun if ur kids are older would like to help and do to work as family. its nice to have that project.
if u have any theme of hawaii, or paper look like hawaii.. u can add flower inside to out from wrapper.. .. up to you. so u having a hawaii theme of wedding, it would be awesome!
Wow that is so CREATIVE! i like that idea! awesome! thanks for the tip!