Besides sex and nightmares, what are your memorable dreams?

Flying is the best dream ever:rockon:

Oh hell yeah! I once dreamt that I flew to the moon all by myself as if I had wings when I was a little girl. Heh. Wish I still had the ability to fly in my dreams again.
Oh, when I was a little girl before my mother died, my family were dirt poor, so I often dreamt of gold bricks, dreaming that I would bring them home so I could help my family out with financial issues. It always sucked when I woke up and there were no gold bricks!
I dream in color a lot of the times. My most vivid dream was of my mother (now deceased). I've also dreamed that someone was chasing me, and I was running, faster and faster, but they were always on my heels, never could remember who was chasing me, or why.....only that I had to get away!....And when I would wake up, my legs would be sore as if I really had been running all night long.
In my dreams, it's alot like I have a *second life*, only that I am interacting with people I've never met, in strange cities that don't really exist. One time I found myself walking to a rooftop, usually people turn it into a deck area with rows of beach chairs, but I saw rows of toilets instead. Sooo, I sat on one and talked away with the girl across from me, overlooking a very beautiful grassy sunset view over the horizon... then I woke up and thought "Jessica! WTF!" :giggle:
Besides sex and nightmares, what are your memorable dreams?

You put "sex and nightmare" together. That's correct. I knew this 14 year girl old who had a sexual dream which she considered to be a horrible nightmare. We all suggested she see a psychologist as this aren't normal for a girl, especially not for someone this young!

I almost never have sexual dreams as I have a clean mind. I love dreams of flying, sci-fi, fantasty, the future, etc.