Arthur Christmas


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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I saw the movie with my wife recently and we both noticed something...

Whenever any character gestured the number '3', they would use the ASL version (thumb, index, and middle fingers extended) instead of the hearing version (index, middle, and ring fingers extended).

This made us wonder... was it someone associated with the deaf or sign language (deaf person, CODA, interpreter, etc) that worked these parts?

What do you think?
I've noticed that hearing people in other countries sometimes use the ASL 3. (I think I saw it on news video or documentaries.) It might be culturally based.
Seriously? I don't realized how big deal to deaf people that used a sign in any movie. To me, it's no big deal.

I know quite several hearing people that used TIM (thumb, index, middle) and they're Europeans and they don't know ASL. Some people would use middle, ring, & pinky fingers as 3 sign.