Answers to some of your health questions.


New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Found a site, and pasting what I have, so you can see the other questions and answers at your conveinience: {Dr. Weil's site}

I would recommend taking astragalus, a Chinese herb that supports immune function and Asian mushrooms with similar activity. You should also add raw garlic to your diet (one to two cloves a day, minced and mixed with food). Garlic is a powerful infection-fighter. Finally, remember to take a good probiotic supplement during and after any course of antibiotics.
Dr. Weil Community

Cat's claw comes from a woody vine with claw-shaped thorns that grows wild in the Amazon highlands of Peru and other areas of South and Central America. Native peoples have used the bark and root for centuries, primarily for treatment of arthritis, ulcers, sexually transmitted diseases, and cancer. Despite the limited scientific evidence, promoters make extravagant claims that cat's claw is effective for everything from acne to urinary tract infections, including such serious conditions as diabetes, heart and kidney disease, and cancer. And cat's claw is popular with consumers. In 1997, it ranked seventh in herbal sales in the United States.

I have carpal tunnel, as well as many other joint issues, and have been successfully using a product for years. It is a super strong anti-oxidant and helps manage the numbness and pain where I feel little or none at all. The product is OPC-3 and is available on-line at Market America :: Built on Product. Powered by People.. It is well worth the money! Active Release Therapy and go from there if you're so inclined.

I have seen several studies showing that taking selenium supplements of 200 mcg a day dramatically increases the risk of Diabetes Type 2 risk. The articel is below. If this is supported in more studies, it might be wise to think carefully about taking anti-oxidant supplements (Dr. Weil's daily antioxidant formula contains thes ame amount- 200mcg of selenium).
Dr. Weil Community

Dr. Weil Community
Pain behind the eye, nose, pressure, light-headness.!

Remember - when your taking Probiotics or Liquid Silver Solution you can't drink Chlorinated Water, because the Cl bond is heavier than the Hydrogen and Oxygen bonds!