Am I the only one bothered by this?

I think these ads are focusing on people who lose their hearing as they get older, not so much on those who have been deaf from birth or a young age. Isn't it harder for those who have had full hearing to deal with losing it? I am studying to be a nurse, and have seen many many times older people who refuse to wear hearing aids, and for several reasons - Biggest two reasons being that the HA are not always comfortable physically, and also because they see problems hearing as a sign of "old age".
Also, we are talking about something for sale, and probably being sold by hearing people, who are coming at it from the standpoint of what they consider "normal" and are probably of the opinion that everyone wants to be "normal", everyone wants to be like everyone else.
I think these ads are focusing on people who lose their hearing as they get older, not so much on those who have been deaf from birth or a young age. Isn't it harder for those who have had full hearing to deal with losing it? I am studying to be a nurse, and have seen many many times older people who refuse to wear hearing aids, and for several reasons - Biggest two reasons being that the HA are not always comfortable physically, and also because they see problems hearing as a sign of "old age".
Also, we are talking about something for sale, and probably being sold by hearing people, who are coming at it from the standpoint of what they consider "normal" and are probably of the opinion that everyone wants to be "normal", everyone wants to be like everyone else.

Perfect example of the medicalized perspective that the Culture fights against daily.
Jennifer: Can using a behind the ear hearing aid to assist someone "hear somewhat better" can hardly qualify as a "comfortable physically" problem-correct? They are not exactly "weighty"-mine wasn't! I understand the incidence of Hearing loss increases with age-thus shouldn't be a surprise that "old people"are affected. Denial is "one way to deal with it"..Effective?
The assumption should be does this person need/require such as a device based on their audiogram? Why would the "old person" seek this out-- without thinking gee-am I missing something "hearing wise"? "Medicalized" perspective- really? Note: Jillio you probably would suggest a chat instead with psychologist instead for a "psychologize" perspective.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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Jennifer: Can using a behind the ear hearing aid to assist someone "hear somewhat better" is hardly a "massive weight" problem.
What the heck are you talking about? Where did anyone mention "massive weight" problem?
Jennifer: Can using a behind the ear hearing aid to assist someone "hear somewhat better" is hardly a "massive weight" problem. I understand the incidence of Hearing loss increases with age. Denial is "one way to deal with it"..Effective?
The assumption should be does this person need/require such as device based on an audiogram? Why would the "old person" seek this out-- without thinking gee-am I missing something "hearing wise"? "Medicalized" perspective? Note: Jillio you probably would suggest a chat instead with psychologist instead for a "psychologize" perspective..

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

I agree with LoveBlue. What the heck are you talking about?:roll:
Who cares what the radio says? Sounds like they are adverting CI to deaf people can't hear well. Funny thing they USE radio to do that and those deaf people can't hear the radio so they never know about the adverting. Where's the common sense from that?

In UK, I read some funny blogs from about 2 years ago from hearing people working in Deaf world, hearing radio adverting CI, heard aids, etc for the Deaf, they was thinking what a waste of money. Lol!!
Who cares what the radio says? Sounds like they are adverting CI to deaf people can't hear well. Funny thing they USE radio to do that and those deaf people can't hear the radio so they never know about the adverting. Where's the common sense from that?

In UK, I read some funny blogs from about 2 years ago from hearing people working in Deaf world, hearing radio adverting CI, heard aids, etc for the Deaf, they was thinking what a waste of money. Lol!!

At times like that, I think the hearing don't truly understand what deafness is. What's the point of radio ads and anything that's voiced but no picture if they fall on deaf ears. :P
that is funny how can a hearing aid look cool ? it haas nothing to do with cool all it is a aid to help you
that is funny how can a hearing aid look cool ? it haas nothing to do with cool all it is a aid to help you

How mistaken can you be?:eek3: I and more than one of my friends have very cool hearing aids.
At times like that, I think the hearing don't truly understand what deafness is. What's the point of radio ads and anything that's voiced but no picture if they fall on deaf ears. :P

But hearing parents and family members do hear the ads.:hmm:
that is funny how can a hearing aid look cool ? it haas nothing to do with cool all it is a aid to help you

Guess you don't know what cool really is.:cool2:

Personally, I don't think gauges look cool. But some people do.
I think these ads are focusing on people who lose their hearing as they get older, not so much on those who have been deaf from birth or a young age. Isn't it harder for those who have had full hearing to deal with losing it? I am studying to be a nurse, and have seen many many times older people who refuse to wear hearing aids, and for several reasons - Biggest two reasons being that the HA are not always comfortable physically, and also because they see problems hearing as a sign of "old age".
Also, we are talking about something for sale, and probably being sold by hearing people, who are coming at it from the standpoint of what they consider "normal" and are probably of the opinion that everyone wants to be "normal", everyone wants to be like everyone else.


The interesting thing that there is less stigma over wearing glasses versus wearing a HA. Not sure where that comes from... I suppose it is because how much more a loss of hearing impacts one's place in society.

The interesting thing that there is less stigma over wearing glasses versus wearing a HA. Not sure where that comes from... I suppose it is because how much more a loss of hearing impacts one's place in society.

I believe that has a lot to do with it. People who need glasses are not perceived as negatively as deaf because there are no communication obstacles to be overcome with one who wears glasses.
The interesting thing that there is less stigma over wearing glasses versus wearing a HA. Not sure where that comes from... I suppose it is because how much more a loss of hearing impacts one's place in society.

Glasses are also much more common than HAs. Lots of hearing people do not know anyone who is Deaf/deaf and therefore do not have much understanding of the communication problems that hearing loss can cause.

Stigma is usually the result of ignorance!
older people refuse to wear hearing aids, and for several reasons - Biggest two reasons being that the HA are not always comfortable physically, and also because they see problems hearing as a sign of "old age"

I suppose HAs may feel uncomfortable if you are not used to wearing them. I've been wearing HAs most of my life and can't really feel them now, even though they are quite large compared to some.

I did get an odd comment from an elderly friend the other day, who has recently started wearing HAs. He looked at mine and said 'Wow, your HAs are twice as big as mine!'. Maybe that made him feel less self-concious, I don't know?
I suppose HAs may feel uncomfortable if you are not used to wearing them. I've been wearing HAs most of my life and can't really feel them now, even though they are quite large compared to some.

I did get an odd comment from an elderly friend the other day, who has recently started wearing HAs. He looked at mine and said 'Wow, your HAs are twice as big as mine!'. Maybe that made him feel less self-concious, I don't know?

Maybe he's only half deaf :lol:

Mine are probably average sized - I'm not sure if I've seen any that are bigger or smaller than mine. Either way, I don't care. I wear 'em !! :)
Glasses are also much more common than HAs. Lots of hearing people do not know anyone who is Deaf/deaf and therefore do not have much understanding of the communication problems that hearing loss can cause.

Stigma is usually the result of ignorance!

While true, I'm noticing there are more people wearing HAs than ever before. I'm sure an aging population has a lot to do with it. ;) Of course, making HAs smaller doesn't hurt either.
Good point, but families doesn't always know the best.

Agreed. But often times, they are the ones making the decision on CI. That is why the companies make sure that they reach the hearing parents with their ads.

I will also add that I agree that families don't always know best, but will add to that if they have not done as much investigation into the cultural, have not had close contact with the deaf, and have not given the deaf perspective as much time and consideration as they put into CI, not only do they not know what is best, they are making biased decisions.