A real life Garfield!...

Time to send Garfield to swimming pool to exercise and lose weight.

The photo is obviously skewed. Nevertheless, there are large domestic cats--think Maine Coon. They can get really big :)
Her left hand seems to be bigger than right hand, so it has to be Photoshopped with natural optical delusion.

Nah, see those Yellow lines behind her, that's some kind of trim on the walls, if it was photoshopped, the part with the cat widened and expanded, those yellow lines would curve. That's how you can spot if a girl has photoshopped her pic to make her boobs or butt look bigger. Who ever took the pic is probably on their knees with the camera directly in front of the cat and tilted upward to capture the woman too. No dout that's a big cat though. Wait I'll show you what I mean. I have a picture of me and sister, granted I'm smaller than her but she's standing closer to the camera so she looks even more bigger than me than she really is. Problem is a picture is 2 dimensional not 3. I'll have to find the pic and upload it etc etc I'll edit it into this post when I get it.

You can tell by our skates that she's standing just few inches closer to the camera than me, and just those few inches made a big difference. She's only 2 inches taller than me and maybe one or two pants sizes bigger but she dwarfs me in that pic.