18 month old's activation video


New Member
Sep 15, 2012
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My little Zoe's first response to having her CI activated! She got implanted bilaterally, but they old turned on her right ear yesterday and will not be getting the left done until the 28th. We are so thrilled! *And are still using sign, no worries!*

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She is sOOOOO CUTE! It is obvious she understood her dad signing "Mommy". What an adorable little girl!
Was she aware that she was going to hear sounds? Not sure if you can communicate that with an 18 month old. Cute little girl you have there!!!
Thanks everyone!!
I'm not entirely positive if she understood that she was going to hear or not, I did sign 'hearing aid' to her as we got to the hospital and she pointed to her ear - it could just be mimicking though. She's a smart cookie, maybe she knew she was about to hear sounds again. Either way I'm blown away by her response, she has NEVER shown such an 'I hear you!!' moment, not even when first putting on the HAs. She is also very sensory driven and absolutely hated to have the earmolds put in, so by the time she was "hearing" she was also miserable with. I'm just so excited for her, she really seems to love her ci already. First session with her AVT and sound this Thursday :)
Wow I can't hear the sound but it was so obvious when she heard something!! So amazing and so adorable :)
Thanks Alex! The beginning we were waiting until it was turned on, then my husband looked up at me to as to tell me to start talking. I said hi baby and that's when you could see her eyes go wide and she looked up, then everyone was cheering and clapping and I told her I love her. I wish I knew how to caption videos!
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Thank you

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Oovoo. Diedre. Friends niasia. Yssel. Ivanka Krystal Tysheen

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Tank you

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