Recent content by missywinks

  1. missywinks

    What's wrong with men!!!!

    Gosh, that's pretty shitty! However, it takes two to tango!
  2. missywinks

    Audism Free America

    I concur!
  3. missywinks

    Audism Free America

    can you post the videos in here? im curious! :)
  4. missywinks

    I LOOOOVE True Blood!

    Omg, I love Eric....he's HOT.
  5. missywinks

    Who is single here?

    as long as you both are usin' each other- i guess it makes it ok! :laugh2:
  6. missywinks

    Who is single here?

    I agree with you but nancy stated: "How are you my name is nancy..hearing woman and seeking for a deaf man for longterm relationship..Am sending you this to show my interest in you." So it is obvious her reasons for being in AD.
  7. missywinks

    Who is single here?

    Often, I see sign language female students dating deaf men. As soon as they become fluent, they dump them. This bugs me!
  8. missywinks

    any advice would be wonderful!

    This purpose would be to give your little one access to language. Right now, he is probably not getting anything unless you sign to him. A deaf mentor would help.
  9. missywinks

    Introvert or Extrovert?

    I don't need a test to tell me I am an extrovert! LOL
  10. missywinks

    Who is single here?

    I just thought of something interesting... In some ways, I think it is ok for Deaf people to prefer dating Deaf people over hearing people because of communication issues. However, I think it is a bit over the top if hearing people aim to seek for a deaf parnter? Am I being a hypocrite? :hmm:
  11. missywinks

    Who is single here?

    Why are you "SEEKING" for a deaf man? You should go for the person who he/she is regardless of their hearing level.
  12. missywinks

    The new deaf generation....speaking and listening

    Caroline...brace yourself for what I am about to share... AVT is an approach to teach deaf and hard of hearing individuals to "maximize the use of their hearing abilities." They cover their mouths while they teach them listening skills. They are against using visual cues or communication...
  13. missywinks

    the next step towards becoming an interperter

    I am a little confused but maybe that is because I am Canadian and we have a different system here. In Canada, one cannot interpret until he/she has completed the Interpreter Training Program. It is my feeling that if you are serious about interpreting, you would want to do your best. So why not...
  14. missywinks

    Not a paerenting thread - Autism thread

    Again, you need to look into POsitive Behaviour Support because they use reinforcers to get rid of problem behaviour.
  15. missywinks

    Ouch! It gotta hurt bad!

    :giggle: Maybe that will teach him not to riot again.