Recent content by Cats327

  1. C

    New here...

    Hi Christine, vicki again. Thank you and I pray the implant will help.
  2. C

    New here...

    Hi Christine, I’m sorry how your hearing went . I’m 53 and I had hearing loss since I was a child and wear 2 aides. In my 40s, I went from mild to moderate hearing loss. I’m learning American Sign Language. I hope your days are better soon. Vl.
  3. C

    ASL Practice Buddies on Zoom

    Hi Alex, How and where do you have asl practice meeting on this I’m in central time. 6 pm. Vicki L. Email
  4. C

    Anyone want to practice ASL

    Hi Shortcake, I had hearing problems all my life and now have a moderate hearing loss. Like you, I took class and go on videos,but want a partner too. Do I need to go on FaceTime for this group? Have a good day. Vic.
  5. C

    ASL Practice Buddies on Zoom

    Hi Alex, I’m Vicki , I’m hearing impaired and learning ASL . I use videos , but like to practice with someone . How do I do so? Vic.