Technology Can Help Parents Track their Kids


New Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Mods, I am not sure which this posting should go (technology, parenting, current event), so please move this to the correct forum if necessary. Thanks! :) - Nancy
How do you feel about this? Do you agree about tracking your kids wherever they go with an tracking device(s)? Or not?

Technology Can Help Parents Track Their Kids
I think it´s not meanfuling to have it on the children. To me, the respect and trust is a largest important that children should learn. It´s important for the parent to give their children the limit what they should or not, that´s they can LEARN...

Of course the children CAN learn how to respect and know the limit. The children will lost their trust on their parents if they carrying on doubt on them.
I would do only if I suspect something going on. If my kids were angels, I see no reason for this. But, if they were mischievous or have behavior issues, THEN that is what I would be concerned.

I am planning to warn my kids, if they were caught for the crimes that they committed, I would NOT bail them out nor save their asses. I can't afford spoiling them!
i would considering that would be spy on them where they want go.. i know being Parent could be very cocern and worried, but again it would only way to teach them and follow the rules.. I don't believe in spy.. I would want to have my son to learn exporling the world and give him a expereince what is all about.. but again we will STILL teach him to not talk with any strangers and many other things that he can't do anything till he's 18.