Religious quote


New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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what religious quote do you like? this one is from the Koran -
PLEASE no bashing - just respect :)

All Praise due to You, The One, The Light
My Lord...nothing higher than You
The eyes are amazed by Your Glory.
The tongue is frozen by Your Mercy.
The ears are shocked by Your Pure Names.
The hands are shaking in thanking Your Grace.
The feet are weak in standing in Your Light.
The heart is troubled by Your Love.
My Lord,
All Glory is Yours.
The eyes that shed tears for other than You, let it be blind.
The tongue that mentions other than You, let it be mute.
The ears that hear other than You, let it be deaf.
The hands that reach other than You, let it be short.
The feet that stand for other than You, let it be crippled.
The heart that loves other than You, let it be broken.
Without You, My Lord
The gardens are gray.
The birds don't fly.
The sky is not high.
The heaven is an illusion.

Without You, My Lord
The friends are enemies.
The sugar is bitter.
The honey is poison.
The food is hunger.
Without You, My Lord
The sun is nothing but a dark spot in the sky.
The moon is nothing but an insult to the night.
The stars are nothing but little stains in the dark.
Without You, My Lord
The water is not clear.
The life is full of fear.
The eyes have no tear.
The heart has no rainbow.

However, My Lord, The One, The Compassionate.
With You
The poison is medicine.
The fire is cold and peaceful.
The ocean is open and dry.
The broken hearts are healed.
The crippled feet run towards You.
The short hands try to reach You.
The tears try to say: "Can I meet You?"

With You
Life is full of meaning
My Lord!
Do not leave us to ourselves.
Do not leave us alone.
Do not leave us among these wolves.
In the darkness, in the jungle of
desires and deception. Hold our hands, or else we shall fall,
and fall and fall and fall.
You, Glory be to You
Even though we do not deserve it be with Who else other than You?
You are The One
Would You leave Your slaves who are calling upon You day and nigh...restless?
Glory be to You
You keep your promisesit is us who break them
Glory be to You
Do not leave us alone

"Hold on to forgiveness, command what is
right, and turn away from the ignorant."
---Qur'an 7:199
it says in the BIBLE(kjv) "But the fearful, and unbelieveing, and the abominable, and the murderers, and the whoremongers, and the sorcerers, and the idoliters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:which is the second death." ----Revelation 21:8

"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, i say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God"----John 3:5

" And Jesus said unto him, Forbad him not: for he that is not against us, is for us."-------Luke 9:50

"For the son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them"-----Luke 9: 56
None of them suits me. I don't really give verbal prayers.
Originally posted by LUNZ
ASLnikki, who cares?

This thread is about religion quotes. Not inviting degrading comments. Please refrain from doing that please.
that's a really good quote from the Koran, babyphat.

Just wondering cause I want to be sure if im correct that the Prophet Mohammed wrote all of the Koran by himself or was the suras/qu'ran's written by others like it was with the Bible?
Originally posted by sablescort
Just wondering cause I want to be sure if im correct that the Prophet Mohammed wrote all of the Koran by himself or was the suras/qu'ran's written by others like it was with the Bible? [/B]

Like the Bible's Jesus, Mohammed did not write a single word, but his sayings were collected and "recorded" by his followers. Some of the Koran was written 150 years after his death.

Once Islam undergoes its own "Reformation," similar to the Catholic/Protestant shift, it will get over the hump of a nomadic, agrarian society that belongs to the pre-modern, pre-urban world and stop applying it to the contemporary world. :cool:
...258 info heretic.

thxs fer clear up my question on the Koran/Qur'an.
Do you want people to take your word for it? :D

I'm sure personal authority ranks high around these parts!
unless you have a religious quote to post - hush!!! or I wont visit you in South Cali hehehe :)
I do have such a religious post to share! It is from the great biblical allegory, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
From Book III, On the Apostates:
And some of them have even become night-watchmen: they know now how to blow horns, and go about at night and awaken old things which have long fallen asleep.

Five words about old things did I hear yesternight at the garden-wall: they came from such old, sorrowful, arid night-watchmen.

"For a father he careth not sufficiently for his children: human fathers do this better!"—

"He is too old! He now careth no more for his children,"—answered the other night-watchman.

"Hath he then children? No one can prove it unless he himself prove it! I have long wished that he would for once prove it thoroughly."

"Prove? As if he had ever proved anything! Proving is difficult to him; he layeth great stress on one's believing him."

"Ay! Ay! Belief saveth him; belief in him. That is the way with old people! So it is with us also!"—

Thus spake to each other the two old night-watchmen and light-scarers, and tooted thereupon sorrowfully on their horns: so did it happen yesternight at the garden-wall.

To me, however, did the heart writhe with laughter, and was like to break; it knew not where to go, and sunk into the midriff.

Verily, it will be my death yet—to choke with laughter when I see asses drunken, and hear night-watchmen thus doubt about God.

Hath the time not long since passed for all such doubts? Who may nowadays awaken such old slumbering, light-shunning things!

With the old Deities hath it long since come to an end:—and verily, a good joyful Deity-end had they!

They did not "begloom" themselves to death—that do people fabricate! On the contrary, they—laughed themselves to death once on a time!

That took place when the ungodliest utterance came from a God himself—the utterance: "There is but one God! Thou shalt have no other gods before me!"—

An old grim-beard of a God, a jealous one, forgot himself in such wise:—

And all the gods then laughed, and shook upon their thrones, and exclaimed: "Is it not just divinity that there are gods, but no God?"

He that hath an ear let him hear.—
