Pupils thrilled by bikers’ generosity


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Apr 18, 2004
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The Carel du Toit Centre for hearing impaired and language delayed children was abuzz with excitement when a local Christian bikers club arrived on the school grounds last Friday.

The visit came ahead of a large breakfast run and drag racing day on September 3. The day will involve bikers from around the province, with all proceeds going to the Carel du Toit Centre.

“We were thrilled to learn that we were going to be the benefactors of the event,” said Carel du Toit principal, Michelle Nel.

The kids spent the better part of an hour taking turns sitting astride the glistening machines, including an original Harley Davidson.

Michelle explained that the centre is part of a nationwide non-profit organisation which deals exclusively with pre-school hearing impaired and language delayed children. “We are the East London branch of the Carel du Toit Centre,” said Michelle.

At the centre the children are, with the aid of high-tech hearing aids, taught how to speak. “We don’t teach sign language. Our aim is to enable the children to go to mainstream schools,” explained Michelle. “It is a unique programme and has had a high success rate.” Most children at the centre are under the age of five.

She explained that despite popular belief, very few children are completely deaf. “Very few children can hear nothing at all. Even a severely deaf child has some hearing, but it is extremely faint. A hearing aid amplifies sound to the point where the child can hear,” said Michelle. “We can then teach them to talk.”

Children who are diagnosed with hearing disorders at a young age are taught to hear, listen and talk through a programme of “bathing” them in language and sound all day.

The results, according to the parents, are excellent. “My son has only been at the centre for a few months and the progress he has made has been unbelievable,” said Mandy van der Merwe, whose son Jordan attends the centre.

The centre is funded by various local charities. Some income also comes from school fees. “We do charge fees but if the parents cannot afford it then we waive it,” said Michelle. The donation from the bike event will therefore be very welcome.

The drag racing will take place at the Grand Prix Circuit on the West Bank. Entry is R20 per person, with children under the age of 12 getting in free.

Anyone wishing to contact the Carel du Toit Centre can do so on 0437421420.