New Surgical Implant-ENVOY


New Member
Jun 10, 2005
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My daughter and I were just surgically implanted with the Envoy Hearing Device. I was wondering if anyone here has heard of it. Its still in the testing stages.
Hi Jeff! Glad to see you over here...I think I know where you're from ;)
I been busy recruiting....MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there an outer processor to this ENVOY device? From my reading, it seems like this is one of those self-contained dealies. Yeah, sure you don't have to worry about losing it, or getting it wet or anything like that, but I kinda like having a visable reminder to others that I am hoh. I also love decorating my hearing aids....and you can't do that with a self contained device.
Jeff: Yes, I've heard of the Envoy. In fact, I know three people on another forum who are currently in these studies. Two of them (a father and daughter) were recently implanted. The third person had her device temporarily activated today to find out what she could hear. Her device won't be fully activated for another week or two. However, based on what she reported this afternoon, she's *very* pleased with what she can hear at this point. I look forward to reading about your experiences with the Envoy! :)
Hear post at that site too? Hint's the same person!
deadyke: You're right. Of course it is. :) (I'm ready for the weekend, can't you tell? LOL!) I've been eagerly following the story of Jeff and his daughter on the other board -- especially since I have a friend who is continuing to lose hearing and may be thinking about an MEI when it's readily available.

What is your screen name on the other site? If you don't want to post it here, you can send me a PM. :)
LOL!!!!!!!!!!1 I AM the father/daughter from the other site! My name there is jefflee. Who are you deafdyck? :dunno: