never wore hearing aids can someone tell me what to exspect.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2011
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Never wore hearings aids befor what will I exspect to hear with my kind of hearing loss profound. In my left ear and sever hearing loss in right ear will I hear people. Talking like it did befor the loss. Like on the phone I miss m hearing like my kids music the things I love.anyway. can someone tell me what they hear. And there story.
probably no one has replied cause I cant even understand what you are saying.

hearing aids just amplifies your sounds so that your ears will hear it more clearly.

If your left is profound, hearing aid will most likely not work. but right ear, hearing aid will most likely work.
what you hear from aids will sound like robotic sounds than what you used to hear from natural sounds. so it will sound shit for 4 mths til you get used to it. good luck
Lol if I don't like it wont wear it that's all I guess I will just sign.
I have a severe hearing loss in both ears and they work for me pretty well since I have a hearing aid that's pretty much updated.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

What kind of hearing loss do you have? Did you have hyperacusis before losing your hearing. How well has work depends on these factors.
what is kind of wores your hearing aid warrantly!
Sensorinueral hearing loss will it work for this type. Of loss I had mild loss as a child it. progressive .
I have a severe hearing loss in both ears and they work for me pretty well since I have a hearing aid that's pretty much updated. Really it’s very useful and benefitional information me. Thanks for sharing
I have a severe hearing loss in both ears and they work for me pretty well since I have a hearing aid that's pretty much updated. Really it’s very useful and benefitional information me. Thanks for sharing

Please... please use quotes when replying to someone. I don't want to be nitpicky... but you have done it many times...

As for the OP... We can not tell you how well they will work, what to expect. A few questions that will help those of us who wear HA's to help you...
1. when was the last time you wore a ha?
2. what is your speech discrimination?
3. is your loss flat across the board or is it better or worse in some areas?
4. what HA's are you getting?

The reason the questions will help us is because it will give us more information about your situation. as for me... let me tell you the answers to the questions about me then how they work for me ok?

1. when was the last time you wore a ha?
I have worn HA's from the time I was 8, but before I got my new HA's... I hadn't worn them for over a year
2. what is your speech discrimination? i only scored about a 30% on my speech discrimination
3. is your loss flat across the board or is it better or worse in some areas? pretty flat
4. what HA's are you getting?phonak naida ups

Ok... so my ha's (all has really) just amplify sounds so that You can hear them better. my HA's say they are suitable for up to 115 db... but my speech discrimination is low... so I am going to have a much harder time than say someone who was a SD of 75% or 80% in understanding the speech and talking on the phone is nearly impossible.

I had HAs described to me once as going from 3d vision to 1... where there is little to no depth in the sound you are hearing... because the HA just amplifies the sound, it doesn't help you know what is noise, what needs to be payed attention to and what might be interesting to hear... your brains filter, vs a hearies filter for noise, ours is much weaker... because the sound is right there in our ears... or at least this is how I think of it.

They may or may not be helpful for you... there are MANY times where I just take my HA's off... and sit in the quiet... I would rather sign than speak... I would rather see what people are saying (in sign) than lip read or try to make sense of their garbled noises. let me know if you have any questions, I will try and answer them to the best of my ability.
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new to wearing hearing aids???

unlike eyeglasses, getting accustomed to wearing hearing aids and the new way of hearing will be a learning experience. A very rewarding experience but it will take work on your part as well as the audiologist that fits you. My advice is find someone you have trust and confidence in and is knowledgable about the aural rehabilitation needed to maximze your hear and hearing aids.
The follow up you receive can be more important than the "right hearing aid" that you invest in. all the best and happy hearing!!!!
Never wore hearings aids befor what will I exspect to hear with my kind of hearing loss profound. In my left ear and sever hearing loss in right ear will I hear people. Talking like it did befor the loss. Like on the phone I miss m hearing like my kids music the things I love.anyway. can someone tell me what they hear. And there story.
Okay I never wore hearing aide before I have zero speech discrimination hearing loss flat across the bored. The audiologist said it might not work.