I have a Frenchie-Pug, who is half French Bulldog and half Pug. Budha is a neutered 6 year old male. He's medium-sized. Although I have wanted a large-sized dog, my hubby preferred medium-sized, so we went with the breeds that are medium-sized. I have had 3 dogs growing up (not all at once) and my hubby has never had a dog before and always wanted a dog so much. Budha is nothing like any dog I have ever experienced before. He's a cool dog.
Budha is a 30-pounder of PURE MUSCLE. He can literally drag me by the leash. He's done it before, especially that one time I overfed him and he bulked up with more muscles. I overfed him by accident because of the mental fog from a cold that I had. If there's a doggy body-building contest, I'd enter him in and all I have to do is feed him more food.
For people who is not used to Budha, he can be way too much for them. He's a total rough-and-tumble type of dog. He has hyperactive spurts. I had so much trouble finding a puppy class that would accomodate appropriately. This one puppy class we went to was ok but, in the end, I couldn't continue with the "old school" methods, so I started training him in positive ways. It was a battle to balance fatigue, multifocusing, and consistency in training. The fatigue is totally my problem, since I easily get burnt-out.
The training faltered for a couple of years due to my illness, but he continued to be a great dog. He, in fact, helped me during my illness. Due to the inconsistency, I excercise great responsiblilty in making sure he doesn't cause any problem for anyone. He's a very cute and sweet pup who loves to play. And he's hyper when plays. When there are kids around, I am hypervigilant for their safety when it comes to my dog. He's pretty good with kids, but I don't want to take any chances.