How did you meet your husband/wife/lover?

"How we meet" May 20, 1997
At our deaf friend's surprise 40th birthday party in a bar, her husband came to me while I was sitting with my deaf friends at a table, asking me if I would like to meet his best friend, who has been friend for over 20 years. I agreed and walked with him across the crowded room to see his best friend.

Once I laid my eyes on him for the first time, my heart jumped out of my ribs as my mouth desired to touch his luscious lips. My mind was racing, telling me, "Capture him, and capture him immediately! He is the man for you, Chel! Go talk to him!" I listened to my own full body and walked closer to him. I signed "Hello, its pleasure to meet you. Where are you from?" He replied, "Hi, nice to meet you too. (town name removed), but I live in Colorado." I felt so idiotic when I said "It's real nice to meet you, (name removed)" and walked away.

"How we build our relationship” November 16, 1997
After meeting him on May 20, 1997, I knew he is the right man for me, but I did not make any first move.

I have been waiting for him to contact me by phone or person for 6 months. Again, I asked our same friends to help me move my furniture to a bigger trailer. They brought him along to help us as well and I was not aware of his presence.

When he asked me if he could take the shoes hanger full of shoes out of the closet to his Dodge pick-up, I just leered at him and nodded slowly. My mind and heart were telling me the same thing that he is the one. Oh, baby!

The next weekend, he came with me to my hometown and dropped me off for the Thanksgiving vacation. He came back to pick me up after Thanksgiving. He proposed to me that day on Friday, November 28. It was a nice surprise and I was very nervous and scared because my parents were involved. Oh boy, what an inspiring moment!

Now, we are married to each other for almost 8 years, and I felt I should not have left him so short after our first REAL-SHORT conversation. Sheesh.
Joe and I met while we were both working at a residential school for the deaf. My husband was a retired building contractor and was working to "keep busy". We eye balled one another for a couple of years before actually getting together. He did not actually ask me for a date until one of his buddies asked me first! Then he dumped his girlfriend for me. When I married Joe I had been a single woman for over 25 years and had raised my last child all alone after his dad died at age 38 of heart disease.