Haley Joel Osment Charged with DUI


Active Member
Feb 20, 2005
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WOW he look still so young at age 18 yrs old and tsk tsk tsk got charge with DUI. I am surpised of this Haley wow :eek3: :eek3:

Haley Joel Osment Charged with DUI | Haley Joel Osment : People.com

Haley Joel Osment Charged with DUI



Sixth Sense star Haley Joel Osment has been charged with three misdemeanors including driving under the influence, the Los Angeles district attorney said on Thursday.

Osment's blood-alcohol content in the July 20 incident was double the legal limit (at 0.16), Jane Robinson, a spokeswoman for the D.A., tells PEOPLE.

The 18-year-old actor crashed his 1995 Saturn last month at around 1 a.m. near Los Angeles. Osment lost control of his car, hit a mailbox on a brick base and flipped over, Los Angeles County sheriff's Lt. Greg Sisneros said at the time.

Osment was also charged for possession of marijuana while driving and being under the age of 21 and driving with a .05 percent blood alcohol content, according to Deputy District Attorney Ed Green.

In the accident, Osment broke a rib and hurt his shoulder but was expected to make a full recovery.

The actor is scheduled to be arraigned on Sept. 19. The D.A.'s office is asking for bail to be set at $15,000. If convicted, Osment faces up to six months in county jail.

Robinson, the office's spokeswoman, noted that Osment is a first-time offender, and though punishment is up to the judge in the case, first-time DUI offenders are normally sentenced to probation and alcohol treatment.

Osment was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in the 1999 M. Night Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense. His next project is Home of the Giants, in which he plays a high school journalist.
I wasn't, really. He was really popular when he was younger. People wanted him, and now that he's an adult, he's not getting calls.

This messes up a lot of child actors who become adults. It's sad; very sad.

yeah hate that it infucle (sp) to the kids model role should said " Say no to drug" something like that
I just ignored to drug program in elementary school because if say "No" to drugs then don't help alot because kids can get brainwash and commit with drugs.
I agree with you completely, these war on drugs isn't working and guess what? The narcotic law has been around for what? almost 100 years and still we arent any better than before that stupid law was enacted!

Too many innocent people got killed or injured while the orignal intention of this law was to protect innocent people!!!
Sad, isn't it?

I just ignored to drug program in elementary school because if say "No" to drugs then don't help alot because kids can get brainwash and commit with drugs.
i agree with ya diehard

it didn't work when we work so hard to get drugs to get out of our lives