Gov. Murkowski’s Career Ends With Loss in Alaska GOP Primary

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Alaska Republican Gov. Frank H. Murkowski was decisively beaten in Tuesday’s primary election, placing third to winner Sarah Palin, a former Wasilla mayor, and former state Sen. John Binkley in a contest that ingloriously ended the political career of one of Alaska’s more durable officeholders.

With 87 percent of the vote counted, Murkowski had just 19 percent of the vote to Palin’s 51 percent and Binkley’s 30 percent. Longshot candidates Gerald L. Heikes and Merica Hlatcu split the remainder of the GOP vote.

Palin will face former Gov. Tony Knowles (1994-2002), who had 73 percent of the Democratic vote against state Rep. Eric Croft (26 percent) and Bruce J. Lemke (1 percent).

Palin will become the first woman governor in Alaska history if she defeats Knowles. CQ currently rates the race as No Clear Favorite but will analyze Tuesday’s results to determine if a rating change is warranted.

The general election ballot may also include former Republican state Rep. Andrew J. Halcro, who is running as an independent and was not required to run in the primary election.

Knowles is waging a political comeback after losing a 2004 Senate race to Republican Lisa Murkowski, the governor’s daughter, whom Frank Murkowski appointed to the Senate seat he held for 22 years and then relinquished after his election as governor in 2002.

Gov. Murkowski’s Career Ends With Loss in Alaska GOP Primary - Yahoo! News

This is another Loss for the GOP! I told you people are FED UP With GEORGE W BUSH!!! Joe Lieberman lost his primary cause he sided with the president. And Frank Murkowski continued to give tax breaks to Oil CEO excutives instead of cutting gas taxes at the pumps.Frank Murkowski didnt care about alaskians paying over $3 a gallon of gasolene so the people booted his ass out of governors office.Theres still time for the GOP Save themselves all they have to do is have congress eliminate the 15 cent federal gas tax.Its like a Baseballl game.The GOP is trailing by 6 runs in the 7th inning and the manager must make changes or the game is over!
...It was a primary loss. There's still going to be a Republican candidate, it just won't be Murkowski.
Well theyre all angry at george bush

I think you have a lot of issues with your ego. Your opinions are not shared by all or even most Americans. Not all Americans are angry at Bush.
I think you have a lot of issues with your ego. Your opinions are not shared by all or even most Americans. Not all Americans are angry at Bush.

65% of the Voters of america are pissed off at the president.Why you think Joe Lieberman lost the election?
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