'Facebook granny' reconnects through social networking after going deaf


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Apr 18, 2004
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'Facebook granny' reconnects through social networking - KOLD News 13

When Marilyn Lambert walks in to her parent's assisted living apartment, you'd think she was talking to her teenager, not her 84-year-old mother.

"Do you have your iPod?" she asks.

Lambert's mother, Jane Lambert, is deaf and uses the latest technology to help connect with family.

"It's been years and years of deteriorating hearing and gradually it's gotten to the point where she cannot hear anything and cannot participate in conversation," Marilyn says.

Jane says she used to just smile, even though she had no idea what was going on.

It is really tough for Jane's husband. After all, they've been married 52 years.

"We can send a man to the moon, walk on the moon, yet we can't restore somebody's hearing," the husband said.

So Jane's family decided to take a modern approach. A small laptop linked wirelessly to an iPod Touch. The two devices connect through chat program.

"It has definitely improved our communication, Marilyn says.

Jane: What are you telling him?

Marilyn: I'm telling him that this set-up has improved our communication. Do you agree?"

Jane: Yeah, I certainly do. After I got this, I got in on all the conversations and he didn't get in on it.

But the iPod Is just one way she's found this new voice.

Looking through pictures and keeping track of the grandkids, this grandmother is a social networking pro.

"I do notice that she goes on sometimes and puts little messages and responds to people's posts," Marilyn says.

And she doesn't stop there.

"I send out emails every night. I started with my five children, and it's grown to 36 people," Jane says

For Jane, technology has helped her regain the connectiosn she lost when her hearing faded.

"If I didn't have my computer, I wouldn't know what the outside world was lookin' like," Jane says. "Tell the elderly people that this is their way to communicate with the world."