Katzie said:

Liebling! You go girly!
Did you know there's a relation between deafness and thyroid disorder?
I'm one of them, too and I have hypo-thyroidism.
I'm here to answer your question:
Unterfunktion der Schilddrüse – that’s what I have for over 2 years now. I searched that word into English since yesterday until I found it in a large English/German dictionary at work today. It written “thyroid insufficiency”. I’m sure it means is Hypothyroidism, not Hyperthyroidism (Überfunktion der Schilddrüse).
I’m still on the medication for over 2 years now. I took thyroid hormones pill every morning within 30 minutes before I eat the breakfast.
I guess that I’m also hypothyroidism, too. (Thyroid insufficiency)
Let me tell you how my thyroid was begin to notice.
I notice something different about me few years later after the birth of my 2nd son. I gained so much weight. I feel being weak and lazy. Always being tired and my skin were so worn out, no sex desire. I feel that I has no energy anymore and doesn’t’ bother anything and depression etc. The muscle of my hands and legs are odd and shake. I feel cold sometimes but my body gets sweat sometimes and dizzy. I have sleeping problem. I cream my body and face a lot due dry skin. My hair is dry. I also have the problem with my month period, too.
I check with my doctor. She suspected that it’s thyroid insufficiency and took blood test from me and also blood pressure, too. Few days later after that the result confirmed what my doctor suspected is correct. It also says that I has very low magnesium and high hormones in it. I do not understand because I ate a lot of green vegetables & white meats, fishes… mmmmhhh.
She said that it’s due hormones stress that’s why I gain the weight through that sleeping problem. I also take magnesium pill once a day to keep my body energy.
It took few months to get everything back to normal again after took my first medication. (Thyroid hormones) I lost 35lbs weight and have energy back. I’m mood to do anything positive. My skin and hair goes back normal. Without medication, it would not work on me. It means that I am on the medication rest of my life. I check with Doctor for blood test twice a year for safety because of cancer, that’s what the doctor says so. I follow the doctor’s recommend.
Avoid sleeping problem due hormones stress: The doctor give me the list what I can do to avoid sleeping problem.
My last eating should be until 6 pm, no more! If I am hungry after 6 pm then take apple or herbal tea.
TV should be turn off 1 hour before go to bed. I do is go for a walk before go to bed because my body and brain need quiet. I do that often.
I chat with online friends until I’m tired then go bed sometimes. (I know it’s no good) But I sleep well.
No, I didnt know about the relation between deafness and thyroid disorder. wow!
Anyone, who has thyroid.
Are you still on the medication? Some of your posts got me wondering because my doctor said that I might living on the medication rest of my life.

What about you?