Back to School


Nov 20, 2004
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I am starting my fourth year of college on Sept. 6 (I am not graduating in June because I do not enough credits). I have noticed that I have been picking more often and I have more sores than when I was vacation last week with my parents. Is it common to have more anxiety than before when school is about to start up? What should I do to relieve my anxiety instead of picking my sores? :confused: :dunno2:
I used to get a lot of anxiety myself, it made me crazy. Going back to school can definately cause anxiety if your prone to it. What really helped me out was reading a great book on anxiety by Lucinda Basset called "From Panick to power". A lot of great advice and ways to control your anxiety without meds. I was skeptical about it at first, but wow it really helped. I'm not sure where it would be available because i read the book abouy 8 years ago, but try to look it up on the net. I highly recommend it!!