American Family Association


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Mar 23, 2005
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Anyone support about AFA (American Family Association)?

I'm not support of them, also I hate AFA too. I love to watch porn movies and bunch of NC-17 movies too but there's easier to figure out for children to not watch porn or NC-17 movies, also just put them in other room and let them to play toys or whatever... That's simple but AFA is just nothing to know about it. I wish that Best Buy and Target would start sell NC-17 movies.

Also, they are complain about Ford too but Ford support GOP and Dems at same time, most cars aren't attract to homosexual culture and it's for everyone. There's nothing to be wrong with homosexual but homosexual marriage is not right in my opinion. Most of their boycott aren't successful though, only Blockbuster Video and Hollywood Video are listen to them. AFA was give up to boycott from Disney after 9 years and Disney is just ignore to AFA and profits are much higher for long time. I know that Ford would keep ignore to AFA too and let AFA to losing their funds.

I had noticed that some southern states are ban to sale on sex toys, that sounds so stupid to ban it. There's nothing to be wrong with sex toys and it's easier to figure out for children then AFA don't know how to use common sense. People can buy sex toys at XXX shop and adult store, not for Wal-Mart or Target. Las Vegas is great for people who attract with sex related like porn movies, sex toys and strip club.

AFA is complain about lacking to advertise "Christmas" at most stores but who cares about "Christmas" or "Holiday". "Holiday 2006" is mainly make sense for people to understand about christmas or whatever.

Of course, I support about separate of government and religion but all religion must be used at churches or home, that it.
I got a cool bumper sticker yesterday that says "Focus on your OWN damn family!"
AFA is the one run by Donald Wildmon, right? From what I understand AFA is supposed to be the really hyperconservative types.. Like the ones who think that Jerry Falwell and Bob Jones University are too libral..Even conservatives find AFA a little strange.
I am an AFA supporter and petition there all the time. :cool:

then you must be anti-porn or anti-adult related (NC-17, sex toys)... Fuck to AFA...

If AFA support porn, sex toys and NC-17 then I will support them though.
I got a cool bumper sticker yesterday that says "Focus on your OWN damn family!"
AFA is the one run by Donald Wildmon, right? From what I understand AFA is supposed to be the really hyperconservative types.. Like the ones who think that Jerry Falwell and Bob Jones University are too libral..Even conservatives find AFA a little strange.

AFA seems hardcore conservative due against on porn and adult related.
AFA is notoriously for being homophobic and is obsessed with imposing their biblical values on Americans.

Screw AFA.