A method to a Webcaptel problem (read this if you use their service)


New Member
Apr 8, 2007
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If you're deaf and you use webcaptel then you've probably run into the same problems I have.The main problem I had is that there's a time lag between when they actually speak and the text appears on your computer screen. Because of this the first thing I usually read on me screen when making a call is "Hello.... Hello?.... Hello?". Often this is fallowed by them hanging up their phone because they think it's a prank call. There's also the problem of talking over the person you are calling (talking at the same time they're talking) because you don't now when they are or aren't speaking.

I never had the actual captel phone but they tell me that they have a sound indicator built into them. So you can see when sound is coming through the phone. So when they answer you'll know it even before the text appears on your phone.

The webcaptel doesn't have this function. I've been thinking about a solution for a while now and an easy solution just hit me. I can't believe I didn't think of this before. The answer was literally staring me right in the face every time I sat in front of my computer.

Here's the simple solution. You're computer already has a sound indicator. For example if you are using windows then click the little speaker at the bottom right of your screen. This is where you control the sound on your computer. I made this short video to demonstrate.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZoqyyXWtdY]YouTube - Windows volume[/ame]

Now, get yourself a computer microphone. Any cheap one will do. When you make a call hold it to the ear part of your phone (I just strap it on with a rubber band). Now you'll be able to see when sound comes through he phone by watching the volume indicator as seen in the above video.

I can't believe I didn't think of this before. :)

Ron Jaxon