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  1. H

    How do i explain i don't want my hearing aids?

    So the OP thinks she's got a problem! Well let me tell you this young lady. Yes, I lose my hearing aids too and over the past 6 years, I have lost 2. BUT I HAVE ALSO THROWN ANOTHER THREE AWAY AND BEEN UNABLE TO RETRIEVE THEM! How stupid is that? Not so stupid as one might first think. On another...
  2. H

    Hearing aid allergy

    As I said: .......and who knows? You might well have a point there. I've never liked cheese or images of cheese since around 70 years ago, my sister offered to make me a butter sandwich but used spreading cheese instead of butter and knowing full well that I wasn't too keen on cheese! I've...
  3. H

    Hearing aid allergy

    Hi. My hearing aids have been supplied with moulds or moulds or plastic inserts. The inititial moulds had extensions towards or into the canal, while the last ones, (which hopefully you can see the front and back and back images of), had no such extension. The other aids, an image of which of...
  4. H

    Hearing aid allergy

    1. You are quite correct. I am well aware that the problem does not lie with the hearing aids per se, more the occlusion caused by various ear inserts regardless of size. 2. I haven't, but will raise this point at my next appointment. 3. At the moment, following your suggestion, I am...
  5. H

    Hearing aid allergy

    That posting was indeed made of on my behalf but I had no idea that my friend would be so tenacious on my behalf. Indeed,he now tells me that he has been in touch with hearing experts in the US, Germany and in the UK and all are of the opinion that the condition is unique. I reckon that...
  6. H

    Hearing aid allergy

    Over the past 4 years, my friend with my permission, has been searching tirelessly for a solution to my problem. I have absolutely no doubt that that the thread shown via your link, refers to my situation but will confirm soon.
  7. H

    Hearing aid allergy

    Thank you for you reply. 1. Was also my theory but since I get exactly the same reaction when I try to wear a very small denture, I had a rethink and came up with zero. 2. I would have thought so too, but so far it hasn't happened. 3. Now this is an interesting suggestion because...
  8. H

    Hearing aid allergy

    As far as I know, I have no allergies (other than hearing aids. : ) ). That said, the very first time I retched after fitting my hearing aids, my first thought was that for some reason I was allergic to the aids or to the material from which they were made. This was very quickly dispelled...
  9. H

    Hearing aid allergy

    5-6 years ago, when I visited my GP to have my ears syringed, I was told that my ears were clear of wax, that I was going deaf, and that he would refer me to audiology, which he did. After testing, the audiologist decided that I would would need 2 hearing aids, took moulds, and a week or two...