Search results

  1. camtheham

    To Wear Hearing Aids Or Not To?

    The title pretty much says it all. Yes, hearing aids do work for me, but I still cannot hear most of the time. I just hate accomadating for hearing people, like I want them to work to communicate with me(sick of reading lips). Without them I can't hear anything... but I feel so much at ease...
  2. camtheham

    Looking For A Sign Buddy!

    I am profoundly deaf for those that are wondering. I grew up in a hearing community, and used this forum last year to escape from that to communicate with others that experience what I felt. Over the past year I've gotten more engaged in the deaf community, LOFT(AG Bell conference for deaf...
  3. camtheham

    Deaf Doctor

    I've been working quite hard in order to pave my way into the medical path. For future purposes, should CI be the way to go? I'm profound and bilateral. Any opinions would be fantastic. I have aids... HEARING AIDS!
  4. camtheham

    Deaf Pickup Lines?

    I'll start a thread :) Here's one: Baby, bring your lips closer cause I can't read them
  5. camtheham

    Greetings from CA :)!

    I'm bilateral and profound in both ears since 11 months, I'm currently the only deaf kid in my school which has been that way, well, forever. I'm currently sixteen now, just wanted to say Hi and possible make some deaf friends. :)