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  1. A

    Research Help

    Once again everyone, my sincerest apologies for the typo. Of course I didn't mean it and I feel it has distracted from the issue at hand. I was just trying to get a grasp of how being online might be changing what 'being D/deaf' means and affect the 'Deaf community'. But thank you to everyone...
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    Research Help

    I'm sorry if I'm just adding to the bombardment of surveys and questions being asked of you all, but I am so grateful for everyone who has taken the time to read my posts and answer my surveys. I know this is your community and I really really don't want to intrude. Maybe it would be better if...
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    Research Help

    I am so sorry everybody. Of course I meant d/Deaf and not d/Dead. This was a careless typo and I'm so sorry for the offence slip. We all make mistakes and I hope you can forgive this one. I am surprised however to learn that people have purposefully called you this in the past and such...
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    Research Help

    Hi Frisky Feline, and thanks for the questions. I guess I've always been aware of people with hearing loss/dead/Dead/HOH... but when I was 17 I started helping out once a week at a Deaf school in London and that was when I started to engage far more with some of these issues and understand...
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    Research Help

    Hi all, I am a student at Cambridge University and conducting research into some of the changing geographies of D/deaf communities. I’ve been really heartened to see how this group is used and what a great community you’ve created here. I hope you don't mind me posting this but if any of...