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  1. P

    Happy Thanksgiving 2015

    Happy Thanksgiving Hello, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.
  2. P

    Just Another Deaf Raconteur

    Welcome, Raconteur!
  3. P

    Whats your favorite baby Animal?

    Baby ferrets are really entertaining and cute. Then they grow up and steal your possessions regularly :D
  4. P

    Are there any "real" tinnitus remedies?

    My mom said she experienced this right after CI surgery. Although she says it is still present, the ringing fades within the first few months. I wish you the best of luck!
  5. P

    RadioShack declares Bankruptcy

    They went under before Circuit City? Well that is a surprise! It's a ghost town in both stores though so not too shocking.
  6. P

    4 rottweilers save a 80 years old man

    That is amazing! What a lucky break.. Thanks for posting.