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  1. F

    Will I see a significant difference switching from analog to digital?

    Hey guys, another update. I ended up getting a new pair of Oticon Nera P BTE. They work fantastic right now but I definitely need to adjust them soon. The only issue I have right now is that I'm using a temporary pair of earmolds since I have to wait for my proper set to come in, and these...
  2. F

    Will I see a significant difference switching from analog to digital?

    Great news, I got approved and scheduled my fitting for July 8th! One question, will the fitting include a variety of hearing aids or will it be just one? They didn't really say anything other than that I got approved and to schedule a fitting. I'm assuming they'll have selections there...
  3. F

    Will I see a significant difference switching from analog to digital?

    Hi guys, another small update. I managed to get medical clearance for the hearing aids from my physician and also wrote a letter out to the state explaining my reasoning for needing new hearing aids. I'll be sending them out to my audiologist soon so fingers crossed! Thank you all for your...
  4. F

    Will I see a significant difference switching from analog to digital?

    Hey guys, thanks for all the responses so far. Just a small update, right now I had to get a new vision exam done for the audiologist to send out to the Medicaid company since I am also legally blind in my right eye. I'm in NY so according to the Medicaid website, they cover binaural hearing...
  5. F

    Will I see a significant difference switching from analog to digital?

    Across the room? Lol that sounds pretty ridiculous, I'm lucky if I'm able to make out a full sentence clearly face-to-face with my current HA's.
  6. F

    Will I see a significant difference switching from analog to digital?

    Did you notice a big difference while conversing with people at all? That's one of my main issues with my HA right now since I work in retail, I'm really hoping the new Oticons will make speech much clearer for me as well as eliminating background noise too.
  7. F

    Will I see a significant difference switching from analog to digital?

    Hi guys, new member here. Thought I would ask a question since I'm planning to get new hearing aids soon. I'm 24 years old and I've been using my Phonak PicoForte 3 BTE analog hearing aids for around 15-20 years? Got them when I was 4-5 years old. The left aid broke around 6 years ago so I've...