Search results

  1. N

    Will I qualify for Social Security Disability benefits ? Hearing loss on both ears 90's not easy trying to pay off loans that were taken out when you were making like $250k and trying to pay it off with a $70k salary. That is what a lot of people who don't earn as much money as some people & complain that the well compenstated are not helping them out actually realize...
  2. N

    Father might lose his job due to hearing loss

    Yes that is correct and it makes it one big cluster of a mess. To everyone else: Thank you and I will pass that on to my father.
  3. N

    Father might lose his job due to hearing loss

    Yes I am aware of that...thanks for the tip tho.
  4. N

    Father might lose his job due to hearing loss

    My father had good hearing for years but since he was in the military and oil fields in his younger days, hearing loss was inevitable for him and now it happened. My father works with computers and is a contractor. The problem is that my father is waiting on his new hearing aids to arrive...
  5. N

    NFLer Aaron Hernandez is charged with murder and weapon charges.

    Pretty makes no sense to me. This football player made millions of dollars and was set for life if he didn't do anything stupid. Could it be due to the hits to the head or just plain stupidity? I'm leaning towards plain stupidity.
  6. N

    New to this board

    Hello, my name is Jonathan Nash and I am Deaf (some people call me hard of hearing since I can talk but struggle to understand hearing people without signing). I am from Colorado and graduated from CSDB (after just one year there...I spent the rest of my childhood years in mainstream schools)...